yEnch @ Reborn 2015

Hello and happy new year, crossies!

Well-well-well, Im interested in coming to Enschede once again if I would get some nice ('n seriously going) team to play and hang out with. I havent opened ET for quite a time but im still active player in other games so after a few praccs im ready to roll. Im not interested in praccing more than 2 nights a week and would love to play as ENGINEER but its not a must.

For the moment you can contact me only here and I will only respond to serious offers (and players I know).

* side notice - Iv been living on my own (actually with gf and our 1,5 years old baby girl) and dont need any donations for my trip :)))

mini-me approves this post

image: 6zvo2g
good luck
also avi cba to make own post :D

gl Yench
gl potty & Yench
also avi cba to make own post :D

gl Yench
gonna rape you irl faget
gl & cute baby :P
gl jenka
I think im going to take this too serious for you guys :( but will see!
gl yench hope to see you there
jenka (or LudA?), sup
Good luck finding a team!
adorable baby :)

gl tho
need money m8?
thats evil man
They don't call me Kenzi The Evil Man for nothing
Bronze 5
vapsjee, ei teadnudki, et isa oled. Gl
gl yEnch! Will put some energry drinks in the fridge
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