ET Reborn: Update #2

In this forum thread I would like to give you several updates on the ET Reborn LAN that is scheduled to happen in the weekend between 17 - 19 of April 2015.

image: RebornNoBG68

Here is the list of updates:
  • Tickets will be available at the end of January or the start of February. Switzerland v4ux13 is designing tickets that you will receive online when you have purchased tickets. Each ticket has a different code that is strictly personal and can be used to check in at the LAN centre. Also, each player will receive a bracelet so we know who paid for a ticket;
  • Spectators will have to pay €2,- to enter the LAN centre. Upon payment spectators will receive a different bracelet that can be used the whole weekend to watch the LAN from the inside. This is done so we know who wishes to spectate and to prevent any form of theft;
  • Great news for anyone who did not receive their LAN prizemoney the last Adroits edition. All ET Reborn prizes will be paid out at LAN! So you do not have to wait for anything!
  • We have opened a bank account that will ONLY be used for the LAN's purpose. All payments and donations will be handled through this bank account. If for any reason the LAN will not take place, all payments AND donations will be transfered back to where it came from.

This is a short list of updates on the tournament so far. I am very glad to see that there's already 10 teams sure about attending the LAN. We prefer an extra 4-6 to make sure we can cover all costs.

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker
In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

image: donate_hand

If you have any other questions, feel free to post them and we will answer them.
Timbolina heb je ook een ticket nodig als je gewoon wilt kijken of kijk je daar niet na om ?
Second bullet. If you wish to spectate you can buy a €2,- bracelet that will serve as a ticket. The bracelet can be used the whole weekend.
QuoteSpectators will have to pay €2,- to enter the LAN centre. Upon payment spectators will receive a different bracelet that can be used the whole weekend to watch the LAN from the inside. This is done so we know who wishes to spectate and to prevent any form of theft;

Sorry ik had het over het hoofd gezien x)
Would be nice to meet you and some nerds from Netherlands intenSe eSports aka Europe mAlibu.
now i have to attend the lan.. some imageboard will be proud of my oc gore h3h3
busted cheaters allowed to come?
Who you planning to play with then? Me, seb and shaman only?
Rest are busted? :XD
No easier way to donate?
Personally I need a BIC code also
I have added the BIC code. I could make an extra Paypal account. But I guess using an account that is only used for LAN purposes is better.
Indeed but with a simple donate button like previous would get more donations are it requires a lot less effort
People who don't use online banking won't donate, or people with it won't be bothered entering all those numbers. Donate button linked to PayPal is the way forward if it's not much hassle
Good point. Just opened a new Paypal account. Will take 1-2 days to confirm it.
I would suggest opening a PayPal account linked to your bank credentials, this'll make it a lot easier for some people to pay!
OK. I have opened a new Paypal account. Takes 1-2 days to confirm it. Then I'll add the Paypal donations button.
In my situation, it is not clear whether I will be playing for a team or not. If I buy a spectator bracelet in advance, can I subtract this from the entrance fee for players?
good job!
We used bracelets @ CGS and some players said they were a bit annoying during gaming, did ya consider using some simple ID badges? Think EGU used those.
I think it really depends on what kind of bracelets they are. If they're like this, you will not be bothered by it:
image: festivalbandje20

(Trust me, I'm a festival go-er)
That's exactly what we had at CGS and some players complained
Can't be that much of a problem if you put it around your keyboard wrist
They're just whiney little bitches, then.
Try playing with one of these:
image: COW0997_festivalbandje
I played with one on a LoL lan, honestly its no problem if u take it on ur keyboard hand
They use them at Dreamhack for the Pro-Players. You can take them off, at least the ones with the plastic.
Some people will always find something to complain about :D
Yes, that is quite officeobvious
timbom8 so serious business so serious
He will run away with the money to buy the new Chroma case knives in csgo!
avi to play from USA any class
so is the LAN 100% confirmed then?
We can confirm the LAN 100% once all teams have paid.
That doesn't help for flights :p
QuoteGreat news for anyone who did not receive their LAN prizemoney the last Adroits edition. All ET Reborn prizes will be paid out at LAN! So you do not have to wait for anything!

image: ysjELy6
I am sure I can find a way to scam you out of your money again.
LANgo 0o?!
yes, Lost Soldiers will try to attend for the lulz :_D even if iam way too old for this :))
whoop whoop ye ye =)
I don't see one information inside your post. Where is it ?
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