Low+ 3years ET

Hi guys, Im looking for an active 3v3 team but id like to join a clan too.

My skill was actually always low+, 1 year paused, low~ now

Please make me stop playing on public servers and get some hard wars to fight!

Msn: ask
mail: same

or just post here

Maybe I should post this too:

CENSORED as fuck

Vent, Teamspeak, and so on...

see u
i bet €100 that your surname ends with ich

and now start thinking about where i come from hehe ;P
wow ! nice one :) first

You won 100 italian lira :D
bah thats like 4 cents :[
Oh, sorry. I haven´t got that much, thought it would be less.
Gonna save it up for you :) :D
i never comment in this kind of journals but since you were honest enough to say you're low skilled i realy have to say it

GL :)
gl mladen
friendly guy, take him!
nop, je pa lol'd ce mene prasas ni biv nbedn at tuki... un skillzor zirovc pamoje
gl mate, rly nice you are honest ;-)
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