ET Reborn LAN / CS:GO

Hi. :-)
Any chance somebody's passing Southern Germany while driving to the Reborn LAN?
I really would like to attend but neither own a car nor want to go by train/plane (only if everything else fails :P) so yeah...
I'm in need of a pickup.
Can and would like to play as well (or rather look for a team).

I'm always looking for mature/nice folks to play some CS:GO with (currently double ak after having started 2 months ago)! Who's willing to play with an unknown German? :-)

gl! ich wohn in coburg und würde mit mein auto fahren, aber das prob ist ich fahr wahrscheinlich paar tage eher um testi zu besuchen und übernachte dort paar tage.
falls sich was ändert kann ich dir bescheid geben
Merci. :-)
Jawohl, das wär' sehr korrekt!
Just add me, ecklav
Where exactly are you from?
Close to Erlangen/Fürth/Nürnberg (pretty much the middle of them)
Ah, okay.
I'm going from Stuttgart but by plane which is only 80€
I guess I will probably end up doing the same. :P
Book soon, prices going up every day. I just booked my flights
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