looking for European funteam/players for 2con1cup

Hey y'all,

I wonna play in the upcoming 2con1cup tournament. I've been out of rtcw for a very long time, but the nostalgia is great in me :D

Any European team looking for another player? Other European players looking for a team that maybe want to team up? Let me know

yo man gl hf etc
Good luck!
Cup is right around the corner, get your teams ready! :)
Dunno where to find them, been asking on irc, fb and here and almost no reaction. I also don't see any familiar names that I've played with myself or so that I can contact personally. Sad, really want to play some wars on village, ice, etc :-)
gl zjatkop !
Check with h2o or hommie, I know they were looking for people. Ask or search on here for their info.
Where or how can I find them?

ask for homie, or h2o, they will reply.
:o a facebook group
zjatkop I would like to join this cup!
yes, facebook is now being used for gaming stuff, I was surprised too :p

other people looking for players for the cup, join this group, got 2 people right now :p
cmon guys, help him out and join the fun!
Anything come out of this?
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