#BOBiKAsurvey Time

image: ctgdmZd

I'd like to offer you a few question that would be very useful in my involvement in SplashDamage.
Also you can just kill a bit of time with it and maybe you can even troll and make some nerds maaaaad (lololo)

What was the most reliable Anti-Cheat and during which period did you enjoy playing the most on it (Only a year - max two are an option) - By "enjoying playing the most" means, that you weren't paranoid about your opponent and when you were, they would eventually get banned

TZ-AC - 2012 - 2013 (until around February)

If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be? (excluding This is ET by Kamz)

Sadly, can't find the name/link on YouTube at the moment, but the one from the Australia 6on6 tournament that describes what's so good about ET and how close some games may be and that basically any time is beat-able.

What is the thing, that you absolutely hate in-game (not related to players, only to ET as a game - maps,weapons etc)

Either it's the lack of different maps played(on ladders, tournaments..) or it's the fact, that there isn't any consistency in SMG's "spray". Also the facts that there may be some guys with hitboxes so weird, that not even an rnade or nade on the face won't kill them and they will just fly away.

What does prevent you from playing officials/streamed(streaming)/somehow publicly shown games

Lack of games/opponents and problem with streaming as described in my last journal.

What in your opinion does Enemy Territory lack the most - don't mention Sponsors, tournaments, more of in-game things, lack of maps, unbalanced parts of certain maps, the repetitiveness

Apart from the obvious - reliable players, bigger amount of players I would say it massively lacks any kind of update, it's such a simple thing, but it changes so much. There are for sure things that could get updated, it would maybe make the game even better in certain aspects (shame ET:XReal never happened) - but the best solution would be something we've talked about with Finland froxe a few times, and that would be to make some kind of pressure on SplashDamage, make them stop developing awful games that will fail and die after first season and do something (it's different, but in United States of America The_End it would be the same, just do something similar to what happened to Counter Strike when Global Offensive was being made, create it with the community, don't change the best things, upgrade the game to the present graphics, create a new game based on the old one with the best things kept.

Do you agree with the punishment, that if a player is caught cheating online, he shouldn't be allowed for the whole length of his ban on any LAN tournament

Yes, banned players should be prevented from going to LAN as that should be in many ways taken as a reward to the community.

Which type of objective is the most entertaining for you to play / watch (documents, objective parts, driving, combination, blowing things up)

I've always loved to watch intense doc runs on Radar and Adlernest or Frostbite, hate to play tham to be fair - I would pick driving as the one I like the most.

If you could bring any type of mode/objective/achievements/skins/packs/etc from any other game that would be beneficial for ET, what would it be

I would really love to see CTF(Capture The Flag) in ET, I think it could be a lot of fun and would probably spend a lot of time playing it (as far as I'm aware there isn't any mode like this, but there maybe is! I just don't know about it!)

Also I would like to do this, somehow, but that would probably be possible only with new ET and that's bringing in the skin game, some may say it's awful idea and etc etc, but if you look at it, if there would be things for a certain value (don't have to be €300ish) that wouldn't be that high and the money would get traded inbetween the players AND the league/developes which would go straight back into the community with tournaments with prizes / lans, Shoutcast support etc... It may be useful and bring in some new people also, just for the sake of having that sick skin on my weapon!

A few quick ones

Players from which country are the most hittable / unhittable for you?

Hittable - Sweden
Unhittable - Germany

What kind of team/opponents did you enjoy the most playing against (6o6 / 5o5 / 3o3 / 2o2)

In 6on6 I absolutely loved playing vs Russia etcfg (fubor,damaskus,slaw etc..) - best games ever, lots of fun, sometimes ended up playing the whole maplist
In 3on3 I'd say my favourite opponent is any kind of mix with GermanyOxy(nuggan,mant,freeze,Artstar...)

Who's the best player you've played with (not mentioning random late night mixes when you've played with olba/mAus/freeze etc)

France fruits.Apricot - love him or hate him, he's absolute joy to play with.

Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET

[flag=DJOs] I actually think most of you know him, he's amazing and extremely funny

What is your favourite position on Goldrush (1st & last stage) and Supply (1st stage, cp stage and defending truck stage) - Axis only

Gold - 1st [somewhere around main - corner, mAus spot, tank, dont care], last stage [I used to play 1st all the time, but recently started to like it behind the bank!]
Supply - 1st [up!]. CP stage [doubledoors], truck def. [somewhere on west!]

To finish it off, will appreciate as many answers as possible. Thanks a lot, cu

PS: Will pick the best ones and quote them in.
Why exclude This is ET by Kamz?
Because I thought it would be pretty much the most obvious choice, so would either ask for 2 or exclude it like this...
What was the most reliable Anti-Cheat and during which period did you enjoy playing the most on it (Only a year - max two are an option) - By "enjoying playing the most" means, that you weren't paranoid about your opponent and when you were, they would eventually get banned
TZAC. It seemed reliable at the time, could check SS from other players and never encountered anyone obvious (esp during the earlier stages of TZAC [not including SLAC])

If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be? (excluding This is ET by Kamz)
I know the movie you mentioned but can't think what it was now. But I guess maybe one of the Fragarea movies

What is the thing, that you absolutely hate in-game (not related to players, only to ET as a game - maps,weapons etc)
Connections, lack of decent servers

What does prevent you from playing officials/streamed(streaming)/somehow publicly shown games
Got tired of playing competitively, sometimes a lack of decent opponents. Not in terms of skill but some were just not enjoyable, whining/aggressive teens high on testosterone or simply unreliable quitting early, pausing or crashing servers blah blah.

What in your opinion does Enemy Territory lack the most - don't mention Sponsors, tournaments, more of in-game things, lack of maps, unbalanced parts of certain maps, the repetitiveness
More creative comp maps, but one thing that would have been nicer was IRC/buddylist/music implemented into the game. eth had it and I think it would be simply easier instead of having another client, something like steam where you have an in-game browser (webirc, browse sites while waiting for game etc) and ability to message ET buddies and play music through the game.

Do you agree with the punishment, that if a player is caught cheating online, he shouldn't be allowed for the whole length of his ban on any LAN tournament
Wasn't that the case a while ago too? Beltards come to mind when they pretended to be another team etc? I think if the player wasn't banned but known to cheat I guess it's a way to 'lanproof' themselves, providing nothing was injected etc to cheat at lan too :3

Which type of objective is the most entertaining for you to play / watch (documents, objective parts, driving, combination, blowing things up)
Driving stuff is generally slow and boring, but for example tank stuff is a little more better than old truck stuff as you could damage/repair them. Doc runs are more exciting I think.

If you could bring any type of mode/objective/achievements/skins/packs/etc from any other game that would be beneficial for ET, what would it be
See above with Steam stuff. Skins could be nice though fuck paying for them. You can get some nice chams for cheats, why not have them as an option in game client side legally
Players from which country are the most hittable / unhittable for you?
Playing from Germany, I find it just as unhittable for other players as it is for me to hit them :D Besides PL I think CZ were bad, FI and FR easy.

What kind of team/opponents did you enjoy the most playing against (6o6 / 5o5 / 3o3 / 2o2)
I used to love 3o3 and was quite active in it early on but then it got really shit and mostly people just camping around a corner every fucking game. 6o6 always the best for me, 5o5 wasn't that bad and only played a handful of 2o2 games. Kinda missed the post, but playing against was entertaining playing KRKP, weekendmix guys and TAG were always friendly bunch to play with/against, forgot half the teams now.

Who's the best player you've played with (not mentioning random late night mixes when you've played with olba/mAus/freeze etc)
PaRzi :3 Probably Perfo. Sheep deserves a mention, he always delivered and was up gaming most evenings!

Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET
Few of the guys that played/idled in #u|k. Always playing instruments together on TS and having a laugh. h3r0!in was also fun.

What is your favourite position on Goldrush (1st & last stage) and Supply (1st stage, cp stage and defending truck stage) - Axis only
Grush, was always fops behind boxes (not the ones in corner) looking towards main doors, was able to spam main/side/back easily enough, last stage was fops near mg, nice defensive position overlooking courtyard, able to give good comms for the rest and put arty down x)
Supply, was med east stairs so enjoyed being there, could shoot out to main or rush up, good crossfire with the rest of team and had rifle by door so could revive him often :D CP corner as fops, last stage fops behind barrel or window upstairs
Thanks a lot.
where is my shoutout andrew?

Edit: jon for president!
#bd.com/mobr0s for awesome laughs too :)))

image: 8Dy9M
1) PB 2008?

2) Fragarena 3, fuckin love that movie.

3) i would say my ping, its always shit. + i hate the randomness of riffle hits (without the nade) in long range.

4) the anti cheat does not support XP any more :(

5) erm, the gayness of pings make the game unbalanced. + the community doesn't embrace new things so competitive maps r few witch i believe is kinda boring. ( i like new things and learning new maps , making strats like in the old days)

6) yes cheats are for people who lack braincells.

7) i like combination of everything, new map and new objectives = najz.

8) hmmm.. this is a hard one, i guess we could bring in something from quake? something that does not slow the game and keeps the competitiveness, + i like what they did with dota2 where they have a little fantasy competition on the side where u can pick a player in top teams and make a team ur self and they get points and the people with highest points can win skins or avatar. I also like that u can make avatar + skins ur self.
9) for the unhittable part, few years ago i would have said Polaks but now deffinetly Fins. The people that are most hittable for me are Germans or British people i think.

10) 3on3 i rly dont know :D so many people.... i like playing against Artstar and inside Icelandic 3on3's are fun also.

11) Best player i have played with.. I am 100 % gonna say rNz (Arnar) he's very underated player since he is not that active and just the combination of his aim and battle sense and in-game comms are crazy. :)

12) funniest player is Kamz and Bobz those two on same comms are absolutely hilarius :D maximum troll! i'm also gonna mention Kalli and his retarded flute xD

13) Goldrush 1st: medic back,last stage: medic/fop spawn. Supply 1st: Engi down,truck stage: east engi/or supportive medic.
only award kalli should win is biggest virgin only flute hes playing is the skin flute
ctrl+f, "francis", nothing about me, tl;dr gtfo /thread
Gj stealing my screenshot/CDT banner :D!
Forgot to mention it haha, but yeah.

Shame you can't answer on it though...
What was the most reliable Anti-Cheat and during which period did you enjoy playing the most on it (Only a year - max two are an option) - By "enjoying playing the most" means, that you weren't paranoid about your opponent and when you were, they would eventually get banned


If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be?


What is the thing, that you absolutely hate in-game (not related to players, only to ET as a game - maps,weapons etc)

Spam weapons can be quite annoying I guess, if a person using it has good timing/wh.

What does prevent you from playing officials/streamed(streaming)/somehow publicly shown games

I never really cared about officials, never saw the charm of it. It's also more (good?) effort to go through setting it up.

What in your opinion does Enemy Territory lack the most - don't mention Sponsors, tournaments, more of in-game things, lack of maps, unbalanced parts of certain maps, the repetitiveness


Do you agree with the punishment, that if a player is caught cheating online, he shouldn't be allowed for the whole length of his ban on any LAN tournament

Yes, CU Juicy.
You saved yourself the trouble of getting beaten up.

Which type of objective is the most entertaining for you to play / watch (documents, objective parts, driving, combination, blowing things up)

Documents I guess, crazy documents saves are even more entertaining than document runs imo.

If you could bring any type of mode/objective/achievements/skins/packs/etc from any other game that would be beneficial for ET, what would it be

TDM, for all the rambos.

Players from which country are the most hittable / unhittable for you?

Most hittable: USA
Least hittable: the Netherlands.

What kind of team/opponents did you enjoy the most playing against (6o6 / 5o5 / 3o3 / 2o2)

Can't really remember any names.

Who's the best player you've played with (not mentioning random late night mixes when you've played with olba/mAus/freeze etc)

fumble?!, on a more serious note Jinosta I guess.

Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET

sup fumble?

What is your favourite position on Goldrush (1st & last stage) and Supply (1st stage, cp stage and defending truck stage) - Axis only

supply: Gay corner
goldrush: Gay room
(good) effort.
Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET

JUICY desperately trying to hide his wh xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
dont u have a real life :-/
If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be?

Warholic The Movie
Still wondering why you piss everyone off and next day do some surveys.
Trolling is something I can't do 24/7.
There's a delicate border between being an asshole and trolling, ask KAMZ for tips.
u mad little nerd? fucking face full of pimples hope fuckin die rofl m8 have u fuckin see ur
cunty body. fukin fat neckbearded virgin moutaindrew drinker

just trolling xDDDDD MAN dont be so serious loollllllll
What was the most reliable Anti-Cheat and during which period did you enjoy playing the most on it (Only a year - max two are an option) - By "enjoying playing the most" means, that you weren't paranoid about your opponent and when you were, they would eventually get banned

pb (when still supported by evenbalance), slac

If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be? (excluding This is ET by Kamz)

i dont fuckin know one fuckin et movie .. not worth watchin .. 1. none made by shaolinprods, 2. read 1.

What is the thing, that you absolutely hate in-game (not related to players, only to ET as a game - maps,weapons etc)

etpro antilag, rifle, mines

What does prevent you from playing officials/streamed(streaming)/somehow publicly shown games


What in your opinion does Enemy Territory lack the most - don't mention Sponsors, tournaments, more of in-game things, lack of maps, unbalanced parts of certain maps, the repetitiveness

more rtcw feelin, better antilag

Do you agree with the punishment, that if a player is caught cheating online, he shouldn't be allowed for the whole length of his ban on any LAN tournament


Which type of objective is the most entertaining for you to play / watch (documents, objective parts, driving, combination, blowing things up)

medic for engi, being engi//doing engi stuff

If you could bring any type of mode/objective/achievements/skins/packs/etc from any other game that would be beneficial for ET, what would it be

iceblock or cauterize from WoW's mage

A few quick ones

Players from which country are the most hittable / unhittable for you?

there are no most hitable. if, then just fuckin unhitables ..

What kind of team/opponents did you enjoy the most playing against (6o6 / 5o5 / 3o3 / 2o2)

limbo warriors, emaho (iN)

Who's the best player you've played with (not mentioning random late night mixes when you've played with olba/mAus/freeze etc)

wEAK, pk, butchji, jauhis (et) .. can't remember any more ..

Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET

can't remember the funniest guy. but i had lots of fun with r0ss and ronner at lans. funniest gurl is surely deryn..

What is your favourite position on Goldrush (1st & last stage) and Supply (1st stage, cp stage and defending truck stage) - Axis only

side / spawn, down caveside, cave, east
You were the funniest at lan thinking I was sqzz :(

1) I would say tzac since pb always had tons of premium cheats, because at the time ET was still profitable for cheatcoders.
2) I would probably show either stmovie or Aiming by Ganon.
3) ETPro hitboxes.
4) Nothing
5) Players and decent admins.
6) Lan used to be a place to prove your skills and that you're clean.
7) Constructing
8) King of the hill :D
GL proving you are clean @ LAN
1. tzac for being easy to handle (+ other sites that could help you with id's)
2. well I gave link to This is ET too many times to exclude it, it is just the best in my oppinion
3. I hate bremen, it is the worst map for rifle ever
4. I always thought I'm not as good as other people (especially pros) so in my oppinion it was useless
5. ET is just old so it is hard to say what is missing here without comparing to other, new games, ET is good but it didn't get the attention that was needed in the past, now it is too late
6. I'm not sure because in one hand "once a cheater, always a cheater" but in other people do change, I think I wouldn't allow banned player to attend to lan
7. I was rifle and I loved doing obj, the most annoying part was always taking docs on bremen but in the same time the one I was enjoying a lot was escaping with them on frostbite, I hate allies first stage on supply but after that is one of my fav.
8. better hitboxes and bigger recoil (which I like now in cs:go)

quick ones

1. france, finland
2. 5on5
3. palemki
4. paramonov, palemki, LEWYBOY
5. cp with rifle or on the tank & up as fop, fop on cp, engi on east
stfu little virgin
What was the most reliable Anti-Cheat and during which period did you enjoy playing the most on it (Only a year - max two are an option) - By "enjoying playing the most" means, that you weren't paranoid about your opponent and when you were, they would eventually get banned

Dunno. Was there ever a truly reliable one? I didn't really play much when TZAC was active.

If you could only pick one frag/movie to show to a random person that loves FPS, but doesn't play/know ET, which one it would be? (excluding This is ET by Kamz)

Something that shows the flow of the game well, and has a wide variety of frags. So nothing overedited crap. Can't really think of any specific one right now and I'm in a hurry. :p

What is the thing, that you absolutely hate in-game (not related to players, only to ET as a game - maps,weapons etc)

Ugly maps.

What does prevent you from playing officials/streamed(streaming)/somehow publicly shown games

Nothing really. Maybe the lack of activity in ET. And I'm not really interested in streaming right now.

What in your opinion does Enemy Territory lack the most - don't mention Sponsors, tournaments, more of in-game things, lack of maps, unbalanced parts of certain maps, the repetitiveness

Amount of players and activity.

Do you agree with the punishment, that if a player is caught cheating online, he shouldn't be allowed for the whole length of his ban on any LAN tournament

Suppose so.

Which type of objective is the most entertaining for you to play / watch (documents, objective parts, driving, combination, blowing things up)

I guess driving vehicle objectives have always been the most boring one for me. Except for maybe early on with the classic goldrush and a destroyable truck. There were some intense moments. But for the most entertaining one I'd say blowing up objects or doc runs.

If you could bring any type of mode/objective/achievements/skins/packs/etc from any other game that would be beneficial for ET, what would it be

Dunno. Would CTF work in ET?

A few quick ones

Players from which country are the most hittable / unhittable for you?

Sorry. Not enough activity in the past few years to be able to answer this.

What kind of team/opponents did you enjoy the most playing against (6o6 / 5o5 / 3o3 / 2o2)


Who's the best player you've played with (not mentioning random late night mixes when you've played with olba/mAus/freeze etc)

Most likely one of the Finnish superstars.

Who's the funniest guy/girl you've come across in ET

The old Roistot player SW was a pretty funny guy iirc. There are some others too but he's the first one I could think of.

What is your favourite position on Goldrush (1st & last stage) and Supply (1st stage, cp stage and defending truck stage) - Axis only

Goldrush: 1st stage playing fop on boxes. Last stage fop at spawn.
Supply: 1st stage fop upstairs / rifle. CP stage fop on top of the depot gate / rifle in tunnels. Last stage fop / medic at west.
Isnt there a bunch of ctf maps? I remember playing at least one, but cant remember the name
Actually baserace is kinda like ctf
May I ask what your "involvement at SplashDamage" is, before I decide to answer this long survey?

If I was SplashDamage Im not sure I would agree with this: "... and that would be to make some kind of pressure on SplashDamage, make them stop developing awful games that will fail and die after first season and do something".
It makes me doubt in your influence at SD tbh...
Let the kid delude himself to think he can make any kind of pressure on a company like splash damage for any kind of opinion or change. They do what brings money, like every bigger company producing games.

He has yet to take economic classes.
fuck is this shit,

inb4 deleted comment.
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