LAN Team recruiting

Hey everyone,

After a few weeks of people trying to form teams and shit not working out, I am now trying myself.
I have spoken to timbolina and he would allow a 12th team to participate. Therefore I am now recruiting people who are 100% coming to LAN and willing to play for maybe a last time.
I am still waiting for replies from some guys who wanted to go so I dont know who is on the team already :D

Important Requirements for joining the team
1. You are coming to LAN
2. You can pay the LAN fee (65€)
3. You can organize transportation and accomodation yourself

You & The Team
1. We dont care about your skill
2. Some of us might not have any ET skill (either because we never had any or haven't played the game in ages)
3. We are going for fun
4. #3 means that we ain't taking the games that serious
5. be fun - be cool - enjoy

If you want to come to LAN and play, let me know here via PM, on Steam (Rayzed - f.e. in the Steamgroup) or any other way you can imagine contacting me.

- AnonymousRayzed
-AnonymousgHANr (aka Ghana)
Viel Erfolg Nico :)
Wie wäre es, wenn du kommst Mr. Maximilian?
Hab dieses Jahr leider keine Zeit :(
Do you have a team now?
Sadly I dont. Couldnt find enough players
Look at dat lineup
Great effort! Good luck and cu there
I really would like to go, but is too expensive.. Anyway I wish you the best luck
Netherlands wra1th & his friend (forgot his nick) are still deciding if they want to go
You da man rayzed!
gl finding
schade , passt dieses Jahr leider nicht , viel erfolg . krass das du es noch versuchst! :)
any news? gl!
I would come but travel expenses are way too high...
anim avi add him on NA LoL at brandonbaby or irc as bN
if u pay for me, Im in :D
Als ob du und Mr. Flemming echt noch zockt :D
Ihr rockt das Ding <3
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