LAN Broadcasters

Who will be broadcasting LAN games?
If it's you, what quality can you offer a stream?
Hoping on DTS and Merlinator. At least someone with some decent English and not a monotone voice, srry Adetoo :(

1) I just want to know.
2) Small chance I can get my hands on a public stream with high quality (not like twitch, you need be a partner and/or pay big time (correct me if I'm wrong here)). Not broadcasting myself. So it would be a 'give-away' during LAN.
I will cast some games and i dont give a fuck what you are thinking, if you dont like it, dont tune in
such a thuglife
what a thug
Why not a double cast with Merlinator? :)
cause he will/wants to do his own stuff, might grab Williams :D
don't do that mate, he's a dick
Looking forward to it. :)
TosspoT we need you
MerlinatoR is streaming a few games each day
avi to cast with someone ;)
I will be aiming to stream as much as possible during the weekend, should be some good games :)
Nice, thank you!
I never really intended to cast a lot, I just started doing this cuz at the time I started noone was doing it. DtS and voice started just after and pretty soon I stopped :P Leave the job to people better at it ^^

Merl will do a good job, would be nice to have to guest castings from players (would like to see: twidi and r0ss, think they were on another lan for abit and was fun, of razz and sqzz casting together would just be hilarious :D)
You did ok ;)
Was just trolling a bit.

At least someone(you) did it... While others like me, were just hoping someone would do it.
I've never been casting from a LAN. I only tried co-casting/commentating with DtS & voice once online and it didn't go too well. My voice isn't exactly made for shoutcasting and my English skills aren't quite good enough.

I think R0SS was casting for a bit at AEM, but not completely sure about that. I'd really love to see experienced players on a commentator role, but as MerlinatoR won't be casting from the LAN, I don't think that it would work that well to have someone commentating from the LAN.
might have it confused with that then :P i know toxic also co casted couple games on lan, was fun. Just like experienced players input on casts, gives extra value or something :p

Thought he was casting from LAN but yea if hes doing it from I guess it's unlikely it will happen :(
If someone wants to set anything up at LAN, I wouldn't mind casting a couple of games if R0SS does it with me.
Why do have a streaming area, not initially meant for people to cast. But we wanted to have a livestream of the LAN area. If you and R0SS are interested maybe we can set up a casting for you?
If R0SS is interested why not.
I also co casted with dts and voice :)
i can cast online just donate me for:

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QuoteAt least someone with some decent English and not a monotone voice

francis mayybe the baddest shoucaster there is availble
i will assist anyone in castign a match
First time I've logged on in ages, nice to be remembered.

I'd be up for casting a match or two but the two issues are:
- Merlinator most likely wouldn't want to cast with me.
- I can't stream myself as I have an awful PC.
I will be shoutcasting live. Expect greatness!
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