ET:U SC '15: Recruitment

image: 2moxkqg
ET United SummerCup '15: Recruitment

The purpose of this forum thread is to help with recruitment for ET United SummerCup '15

If you are interested to participate in the cup(s), leave a comment with the following information:

  • Nickname:
  • Country:
  • Format:
  • Skill:
  • Class:
  • Availability:
  • Contact:
  • Other information:
The list of players and teams who are looking will be updated regularly.

Players searching for a team:

Poland Nickname: Elviss
Country: Poland
Format: 2x2/3x3/6x6
Class:fops/medic/2nd eng
Availability: can play 2-3times per week
pmme here on cf :)

Turkey Nickname: symbol
Country: turkey
Format: 6v6
Skill: low+/med-
Class: /medic/2nd eng
Availability: can play 2-3times per week
no busted cheater please :)

Finland Nickname:vATU
Class:Medic,Engi smg
Availability:mon-thu + sunday from 19cet
Contact: PM
Other information: I'd like to play last div, nothing serious.

Estonia Nickname: Raul
Country: Estonia
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: eng smg
Availability: dno
Contact: here
Other information: wanna have fun

Finland Nickname: VenoM32
Country: Finland
Format: 2on2,3on3,6on6
Skill: low+
Class: medic,smg eng
Availability: 24/7
Contact: here
Other information: not too serious shit

Slovenia Nickname: SeReS
Country: Slovenia
Format: 2on2,3on3,6on6
Skill: low+
Class: medic,smg eng, riflepro
Availability: mostly at nights after 20.00 GMT
Contact: here
Other information: started to play again after 2 years

France Nickname: eraz
Country: France
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+/ med
Class: medic,smg eng
Availability: wednesday / thursday and sunday
Contact: here only
Other information: just back on ET 2 weeks ago (1 year break)

United Kingdom Nickname: fAntasy
Country: England
Format: 3v3 / 6v6
Skill: med-
Class: Medic/Engi
Availability: Every night except wednesday
Contact: here or xfire- wolfplayer11
Other information: i like et & rtcw

Czech Republic Nickname: GOD
Country: Czech Republic
Format: 6on6
Skill: med+
Class: medic, fop, rifle (any sort of role, best all round dmg dealing cunt)
Availability: any day but friday and saturday
Contact: pmme @ cf
Other information: YOLOCR0N0

Estonia Nickname: LENDUR
Country: Estonia
Format: 3v3 / 6v6
Skill: low
Class: Medic/Engi
Availability: nights
Contact: here
Other information:Summertimesadness

Germany Nickname: z3R0, ZEROSLAW
Country: Germany/Poland
Format: 3v3, 6v6
Class:medic or fop
Availability: mostly at nights after 20.00 CET
pmme here

Finland Nickname: BossHK
Country: Finland
Format: 3on3&6on6
Skill: med+
Class: medic
Availability: sometimes
Contact: here or irc
Other information: -

Germany Nickname: jago
Country: Germany
Format: 6on6
Availability: few times per week

Poland Nickname: gis3tji (terred, n4char, bonczas and other weird names)
Country: Poland
Format: 2on2 > 3on3 >6on6
Skill: med- i guess ( im a pub hero without any friends havent played mix in a year)
Class: medic
Availability: random 3-4 days a week, sadly till 10PM(working days) weekends random depends
Contact: here on crossfire i suppose
Other information: first game on ettv, last game
I rather play with EU people, my english is decent. Would love to make a 2on2,3on3 team too, pm me on cf

Poland Nickname: jiN
Country: Poland
Format: 3on3
Skill: i have
Class: Medic
Availability: every evening
Other information: i like trees

Netherlands • Nickname: hariboo
• Country: the netherlands
• Format:pref 6on6 but 3v3 is fine aswell
• Skill:low+
• Class: Medic or Fops
• Availability: everyday just let me know so i don't planb anything..
• Contact: here pls
• Other information: used to be med/+ some said back in the day but i would say med..
started palying again for 3 days after 7 years :)
hope to jump right into a team..
my english is fine..

Belgium Nickname: Burps
Country: BE
Format: 6v6
Skill: self-claimed best obj player
Class: Rifle, Panzer
Availability: depends on mood
Contact: just connect to HBC public, he is idling around there 24/7
Other information: he only plays as allies

Portugal Nickname: sensez, senzh, snsz
Country: Portugal Portugal
Format: 6on6 (maybe 3on3)
Skill: yes :o)
Class: medic, fops, smg engi
Availability: Everyday after 20:30 CET
Contact: here or /q irc
Other information: be nice and decently skilled

Netherlands Nickname: wedseck
Country: The Netherlands
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+
Class: rilfe, rev medic
Availability: 2 times in the week??
Contact: CF or xfire: wedseck
Other information: not really serious just fun

Netherlands Nickname: KoRaL
Country: The Netherlands
Format: 6on6/3on3
Skill: low+
Class: Medic/Engi smg
Availability: 3 times a week can be more!
Contact: IRC /q KoRaL or pm here on crossfire
Other information: Oldschool nerd!

Russia Nickname: gtakiller
Country: Russia
Format: 6v6
Skill: med
Class: medic/multi
Availability: can play 2-4 times per week
Contact: here or /q IRC

Finland Nickname: OLDEN
Country: finland
Format: 3on3 + 6on6
Skill: low+/med
Class: can play everything
Availability: all day, all night if we got offi
Contact: here or /q irc

France Nickname: hayes
Country: La France
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+ / med
Class: medic - rifle - eng mg
Availability: when you need
Contact: here

Finland Nickname: janarii
Country: FIntard
Format: 3on3 + 6on6
Skill: med
Class: medic (reviving) fdops
Availability: dealing blackjack @wknd nights but free quite often
Contact: pm here on CF q janarii @quakenet
Other information: avi to pracc and paly paly gemran! lots!

United Kingdom Nickname: raastAfArI
Country: UK
Format: 3on3, 6on6, 1on6
Skill: High++
Class: Medic
Availability: 24/7
Contact: pm here
Other information: He who dares Wins

Teams searching for players:

Europe Teamname: One Way
Availability:few times per week
Contact: /q cony or cf
Other information:my english is so bad

Europe Teamname: Effectus
Country: Europe
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: need engi smg, rifle, medics. line-up for now is mirror and me.
Availability: once or maybe twice a week
Contact: pm me here please
Other information: going for 2nd div, casual gaming...

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands timbolina

Nickname: Elviss
Country: Poland
Format: 2x2/3x3/6x6
Class:fops/medic/2nd eng
Availability: can play 2-3times per week
pmme here on cf :)
Nickname: symbol
Country: turkey
Format: 6v6
Skill: low+/med-
Class: /medic/2nd eng
Availability: can play 2-3times per week
no busted cheater please :)
Nickname: Raul
Country: Estonia
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: eng smg
Availability: dno
Contact: here
Other information: wanna have fun
no funnies for raulies
Nickname: VenoM32
Country: Finland
Format: 2on2,3on3
Skill: low+
Class: medic,smg eng
Availability: 24/7
Contact: here
Other information: not too serious shit
Nickname: SeReS
Country: Slovenia
Format: 2on2,3on3,6on6
Skill: low+
Class: medic,smg eng, riflepro
Availability: mostly at nights after 20.00 GMT
Contact: here
Other information: started to play again after 2 years
Nickname: eraz
Country: France
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+/ med
Class: medic,smg eng
Availability: wednesday / thursday and sunday
Contact: here only
Other information: just back on ET 2 weeks ago (1 year break)
Nickname: fAntasy
Country: England
Format: 3v3 / 6v6
Skill: med-
Class: Medic/Engi
Availability: Every night except wednesday
Contact: here or xfire- wolfplayer11
Other information: i like et & rtcw
Nickname: GOD
Country: Czech Republic
Format: 6on6
Skill: med+
Class: medic, fop, rifle (any sort of role, best all round dmg dealing cunt)
Availability: any day but friday and saturday
Contact: pmme @ cf
Other information: YOLOCR0N0

Nickname: LENDUR
Country: Estonia
Format: 3v3 / 6v6
Skill: low
Class: Medic/Engi
Availability: nights
Contact: here
Other information:Summertimesadness
Nickname: z3R0, ZEROSLAW
Country: Germany/Poland
Format: 3v3, 6v6
Class:medic or fop
Availability: mostly at nights after 20.00 CET
pmme here
zock lieber weiterhin dirty bomb^^
ich habe es noch nie gespielt:o
dann gibt es nen faker der behauptet du zu sein oO
Nickname: BossHK
Country: Finland
Format: 3on3&6on6
Skill: med+
Class: medic
Availability: sometimes
Contact: here or irc
Other information: -
Slovenia SeReS is not Slovakia
Yaah was wrong with SI and SK for the flag :D
lol'd at "med+" people
Nickname: jago
Country: Germany
Format: 6on6
Availability: few times per week
Nickname: gis3tji (terred, n4char, bonczas and other weird names)
Country: Poland
Format: 2on2 > 3on3 >6on6
Skill: med- i guess ( im a pub hero without any friends havent played mix in a year)
Class: medic
Availability: random 3-4 days a week, sadly till 10PM(working days) weekends random depends
Contact: here on crossfire i suppose
Other information: first game on ettv, last game
I rather play with EU people, my english is decent. Would love to make a 2on2,3on3 team too, pm me on cf
Nickname: jiN
Country: Poland
Format: 3on3
Skill: i have
Class: Medic
Availability: every evening
Other information: i like trees
• Nickname:

• Country: the netherlands

• Format:pref 6on6 but 3v3 is fine aswell

• Skill:low+

• Class: Medic or Fops

• Availability: everyday just let me know so i don't planb anything..

• Contact: here pls

• Other information: used to be med/+ some said back in the day but i would say med..
started palying again for 3 days after 7 years :)
hope to jump right into a team..

my english is fine..
friend of me asked me to write this because he hasnt got an active CF acc

Nickname: Burps
Country: BE
Format: 6v6
Skill: self-claimed best obj player
Class: Rifle, Panzer
Availability: depends on mood
Contact: just connect to HBC public, he is idling around there 24/7
Other information: he only plays as allies
hahaha BURBS!
He will school you in the art of pf Eirik! Just wait for it :)
Teamname:Europe One Way
Availability:few times per week
Contact: /q cony or cf
Other information:my english is so bad
Nickname: sensez, senzh, snsz
Country: Portugal Portugal
Format: 6on6 (maybe 3on3)
Skill: yes :o)
Class: medic, fops, smg engi
Availability: Everyday after 20:30 CET
Contact: here or /q irc
Other information: be nice and decently skilled
Nickname: wedseck
Country: The Netherlands
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+
Class: rilfe, rev medic
Availability: 2 times in the week??
Contact: CF or xfire: wedseck
Other information: not really serious just fun
Nickname: KoRaL
Country: The Netherlands
Format: 6on6/3on3
Skill: low+
Class: Medic/Engi smg
Availability: 3 times a week can be more!
Contact: IRC /q KoRaL or pm here on crossfire
Other information: Oldschool nerd!
You mean Mongolian, Mid+, Soldat SMG, 24/7
Teamname: Effectus
Country: Europe
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: need engi smg, rifle, medics. line-up for now is mirror and me.
Availability: once or maybe twice a week
Contact: pm me here please
Other information: going for 2nd div, casual gaming...
lol gl nerds
old effectus founder m8 vatu thanks
proud to be the founder of such a honorful team :pPp
Nickname: gtakiller
Country: Russia
Format: 6v6
Skill: med
Class: medic/multi
Availability: can play 2-4 times per week
Contact: here or /q IRC
Nickname: OLDEN
Country: finland
Format: 3on3 + 6on6
Skill: low+/med
Class: can play everything
Availability: all day, all night if we got offi
Contact: here or /q irc
Nickname: hayes
Country: La France
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+ / med
Class: medic - rifle - eng mg
Availability: when you need
Contact: here
Nickname: janarii
Country: FIntard
Format: 3on3 + 6on6
Skill: med
Class: medic (reviving) fdops
Availability: dealing blackjack @wknd nights but free quite often
Contact: pm here on CF q janarii @quakenet
Other information: avi to pracc and paly paly gemran! lots!
Nickname: raastAfArI
Country: UK
Format: 3on3, 6on6, 1on6
Skill: High++
Class: Medic
Availability: 24/7
Contact: pm here
Other information: He who dares Wins
Teamname: key
Contact: q Kimi|AHK #czet
Other information: any skill, nice attitude, able to practise at evenings
Nickname: meehow
Country: Poland
Format: 6on6/3v3
Skill: got
Class: medic/fop/eng
Availability: when you need
Contact: here/irc q meehow
Nickname: miraya
Country: Sweden
Format: 6on6
Skill: high
Class: medic/lt
Availability: once or twice a week.
Contact: /q miraya
Other information: That's all you need to know for now.
avi for 6o6 , offi only
Nickname: pRYZM
Country: UK/England
Format: 3v3, 6v6
Skill: Med
Class: Medic
Availability: Most Days
pm here or irc ( #et,
Nickname: Cltcmdr
Country: BE
Format: 6vs6
Skill: hard to say, i was high in RTCW, but then again, that was ages ago :D
Class: Medic
Availability: 3/4 days a week
Contact: pm me here
Other information: I'm an encyclopedia on Belgian Beer
Nickname: Glow`
Country: UK/Scotland
Format: 3v3/6v6
Skill: Trolled Hard +
Class: Med/Eng
Availability: Most Evenings/Sunday
Contact: Pm Here
Other information: any skill just looking to play :)
Nickname: Ronner
Country: NL
Format: 6on6
Skill: Duh.
Class: Engi-smg/Med/Fop
Availability: Most evenings after 20:00/20:30
Contact: Pm here or Slap on IRC (bnc active)
Other information: Prefer to know some ppl on the team.
This troll, reminds me of Keith
Nickname: Burps
Country: BE
Format: 6v6
Skill: self-claimed best obj player
Class: Rifle, Panzer
Availability: depends on mood
Contact: just connect to HBC public, he is idling around there 24/7
Other information: he only plays as allies
Nickname: active
Country: Poland
Format: 6x6
Class:medic/2nd eng
Availability: will be.
pmme here on xfire.
Nickname: hasan
Country: pl
Format: 6o6
Skill: high
Class: smg
Availability: 7d
Contact: here
Other information: no
Nickname: TvvD
Country: Poland / Polen / Polska
Format: 3 on 3 , 5 on 5 , 6 on 6
Class: all clasess
Availability: all day,late time.
Contact: pm here ,[email protected]
Other information: 18+
Format:3v3 6v6
Skill:was best aimer(back then)
Class:Med/2nd Field
Availability:2 times per week
Contact: steam : (
Other information: 25years oldskool played in 2003 til 2005/6 recently started
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