SGN needs DB players (preferably EU)

Hello CF,

We’re a community of gamers of all ages, playing both console and PC. Recently the PC community started playing DB. Since we're looking to start playing competitively, we need more players. Therefore we posted on the forums, but that post mainly seems to bring in NA players. At the moment we only have 2 EU players (and around 8 or 9 NA players), namely me and Moose.

We’re looking to bring in a few more people to join us and build a team for as at the moment we play for fun, but if the team kicks of, we would like to play competitively. If you’re interested please come visit us over at (it's sort of a requirement to register here, due to the great amount of players over the different games/platforms) or message Moose(steamid: IzMoose) or Overfiist (steamid: overfiist).

Thanks for your time and peace,


I'm gold 2 atm. Looking for a team.
I prefer to play skyhammer or fragger. Can go proxy, and as last resort I can go Sawbonez.
I prefer to play with a team, that has a decent captain.
If we lose, we lose. Don't be mad. otherwise I'm out. Have to take bullshit every day.

Just wanna play fist with you guys. If it's fun, I'll join. If not, I'll keep doing what I do now. And play with whoever wants to play. I thought I had a team, with a DB friend. Maybe I still do, but as the looks of it, guess not.

steam: hellfigleach
Name: Hellfig
You must suck hard then :(
I'm low-. need my team to carry me etc :p
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