smirzz avi for LAN

Arguably one of the best french player there is aka France smirzz is looking for a team for the upcoming LAN in Belgium.

- skilled
-medic or engi smg
- any skill
- Team attending the LAN

You can contact via his email [email protected] or you can contact me here and I'll be his secretary try set up a meeting on mIRC with him.

France smirzz would also like to apologize for his behaviours and his cheating past.

image: le-pen
gl smirzz, truly one of the best player in France. Hope you can prove all those haters that youve changed and that you are stronger than ever!
Stop defending cheaters, you know the truth better than me.
did you actually think i was serious? :D
I see, your sarcasm level has improved Azurm8. Good one.
Heureusement que la com fr est morte sinon ils auraient whine comme des gros porcs

Why wouldn't he be able to go if Abject went lmao
bobika said that, u'd better leave it like this.
Franceyokoo, Francesmirzz, Francemaxuh

gogo 3o3 lan team
maxuh in shape cant get erased
sanjih always in shape ":D"
If u think sanjih cheating you are crazy, he has been that good for like 6 years that i have known him for :D
upload been good for a longer time, great argument btw.
if u really think im gonna listen another random cheater, u are crazy :D
"2 years, 11 months and 25 days"
lol explains it all
what the...
bro, thats ur arguments:
image: mhY3xlO
just fix them or hit the corner
or go get banned once again
so where is the proof that sanjih is cheating? U seriously think he coded an undetected aimbot with humanized aim for PB, SLAC, TZAC and UAC? No... He is just good, u have been flaming him for more than year in GTV comments.. Get life seriously... How bad is ur life when u hate people online for owning you in fps online game lol :pPpPp??
Are u really that stupid? XDDD cant u really feel that, whenever random cheater defending suspicious guy it makes him even more suspicious? Go hide to ur low- cave with ur french braindead aimbotter and cheat to win in lowskilled praccs, cause thats all u can both do.
And then "owning me" as another great argument, he cant win shit even with going full settings XD
Wow u went 0 to mad real quick, i feel u man, cleaning toilets would make me mad also:-/
6 years? I have never witnessed him playing, even now, but that comment is definitely bullshit because even in my most active days I never once saw his name anywhere.

also: you defended that random greek cheater even after he was caught cheating, kinda tough to take you seriously.
He has been playing etpro since like 2008 or smthing like that, first time played with him in 2009, i have no clue whne he played his first offi.. Sanjih was always a stable player, panozii was cheating so obviously everyone knew that who played with/against him. Still nejm has no proof that sanjih has been cheating this whole time, why hasnt he been caught by slac, tzac or uac?
zaba been playing since 2003, he's clean for sure.
zAAba and saNjih have nothing in common ..
He was and will remain random trash, never achived anything so cut the crap here, since noone is buying it when defending some random trash player who noone even heard of since last year.
Coz im not a dick sucker pekno
has nothing to do with anything
U said i dont know him, i said " coz im not a dick sucker" i played with anyskill not only with "gudplayers"
pretentious much? not all people @ top tier played exclusively with "gudplayers"
A lot of, nvm i /quit and i never cheated never tried, they are just haters sry for engrish hfgl
maxuh has lost :/ he doesnt nerd on public server anymoar
Yo bro i /quit
putain le singe est de retour apres que le canada ce sois fait defoncer en NC en plus il ny a plus d'admin CG coincidence? je pence que non!

monkey vien jouer sur dirtybomb ya moi mission et les autres de versuZ
Lol mission jokerz?
si si negro
Gl nubi :)
"gj smirzz"
He is so good because of DreaM.motif
bonne chance arnaud
smirzz would also like to apologize for his behaviours and his cheating past

Nice plead, trying to cover his ass huh
he's already been found guilty, not trying to cover anything
Yeah and when I accused him of cheating all you could do was defend him ":D".

Get real, he was cheating for a long time, nothing new. He cheated against us in so many officials and still lost, isn't that a shame Mr. Ape.
Nah he didn't cheat before
tg t un chitter toi o6 mDR ok
i found you more suspicious than smirzz in the past boy

and you know why, fagget :p
Come one, I've been accused since 2k6, nothing new. Played actually really good on LAN and nobody accused me anymore, I know the paranoia around the nopb times, but I didn't skill drop during SLAC/TZAC/UAC, unlike so many other players that did drop during those times and skilled up again magically. I found you sometimes suspicious too but probably the paranoia getting to me as well, got over it when you actually played decently on SLAC. I've never accused you openly though, that's the truth Kartezm8.
I can approve your LAN performance
Olgaa <333 I can say the same for you mate:)
well i know you are good, i wasnt talking about skilldrop or lan performance

i just think you used wallhack during the nopb times. we were playing 3v3 everyday on that period and everytime we faced you, you did most of the time twice damage than you received and it wasnt really possible to backshoot you.

im maybe wrong, it can be possible i know, with sound etc but people usually talk ingame or give comms so you cant hear everything coming at you.

i also watched some beautifull aiming & others thing about you, we know about eachothers skill

cba to continue, i will still think you used to wallhack on that time :~>
rofl. Ofc he cheated, pds has been busted on multiple occasions. No need to even argue it.
You're like the last person on CF that should comment about other people's skill. Never been busted, not on CB/ESL/TZAC or anything, get your facts straight Oxymoron.
I'll let you in on a little secret, I've played 1000 officials on gamestv, how come there has absolutely never been any case where I got banned for any game I played, I would always upload demos if opponent asked me too and I've never heard anything about it afterwards. Like you said yourself it's possible with good sound settings and a decent headset and our comms where always minimal so we wouldn't hinder each other. This with the fact that supply/delivery/adlernest/braundorf was played 24/7 in officials of course it made the game so much easier for me. At one point I was so bored started to play officials with luger or rifle only.
link to these 1000 officials then
I'm just saying he's trying to cover himself. One, by letting you make this post, which will probably be read by more people and taken a little more serious than if he did some himself. Two, by coming up with the lame ass apology in the hope we think "Awwh, man, he's really sincere, let's invite him to our team!".

Don't buy it, he's always been an idiotic man-child.
He will probably get his account ban if he posts here hence why I made the post for him. Anyways, you are reading WAY too much into it
Anyone can be good when setting up some external software lold.
i owned him so many times and he calls himself skilled?
you owned him so many times and you call yourself noob?
You guys are all retards.... most players that played this game has cheated one time or another... that's why the game is dead.... how about the concept of some one learning from a mistake...and trying to come to terms and be legit..... the list is long of cheaters here and we all get upset about it..... maybe just maybe if people did stop then the game would be fun but its not.... so for those that cheated in the past its okay to apologize and say you won't do it but only time will tell... so in other words I think every 1 deserves a second chance and not those that fall in favor of the people in power here... we could all call out SupNa or Stary for that matter... but who cares. If they are caught in a match I am sure the admins will insta kick and ban and then it will be that simple... the community is soo small now who would wanna risk never playing ever again... its 1 of the best fps in history. Choice is yours but at sometime you just say fuck it and move on.
el oh el

Quotemost players that played this game has cheated one time or another

said every cheater ever :D it's not even true, MANY players have never touched a cheat in years of playing

Quotehow about the concept of some one learning from a mistake

a mistake which was made 100% intentionally

"it was an accident I didn't mean to inject that wallhack guys sorry" - that's how dumb you sound

Quotethat's why the game is dead
Quotemaybe just maybe if people did stop then the game would be fun but its not

right, the game is "dead" and not fun because of those who complain about cheaters, certainly not because of the cheaters themselves!

QuoteIf they are caught in a match I am sure the admins will insta kick and ban and then it will be that simple


not everyone cheats as blatantly as you and smirzz did, some actually try to hide it and manage to do so for months or even years
who is bobski
random american cheater
hes still cheatin in irc wars, sadly not even decent :/
I like this ohurcool a lot better. The asshole, i don't give a fuck about any professional pretense anymore, ohurcool is fun.
That ET is dead has nothing to do with cheaters tbh.
ET lost around 1/5 of its active playerbase throughout the multiple SLAC/TZAC banwaves, I'd say it had something to do with it. it had no impact on the top level, but it did affect the lower tier teams/players a lot.
Oh it has do to partly as well.
mad cause bob is better than you
I've never cheated, ever, and I can say the same about most of the people I've played with competitively over the past 9 years besides maybe a handful. I'm getting pretty bored of this bullshit line that "nearly every et player has cheated at least once" - no they haven't. stop saying that.
jiN- your smoking crack bud... you got beat by me because I had 2 strong carries on my team and I have not and am not cheating and ohurcool can stop at anytime this would be about all the fucking cheaters here and I am the one that gets hated on. . too bad I am only low+/med- so ... I don't think any cheats are involved and if you think I cheat then your seriously braindamaged... but thanks for the attention.
You guys are all retards.... most players that played this game has cheated one time or another... that's why the game is dead.... how about the concept of some one learning from a mistake...and trying to come to terms and be legit..... the list is long of cheaters here and we all get upset about it..... maybe just maybe if people did stop then the game would be fun but its not.... so for those that cheated in the past its okay to apologize and say you won't do it but only time will tell... so in other words I think every 1 deserves a second chance and not those that fall in favor of the people in power here... we could all call out SupNa or Stary for that matter... but who cares. If they are caught in a match I am sure the admins will insta kick and ban and then it will be that simple... the community is soo small now who would wanna risk never playing ever again... its 1 of the best fps in history. Choice is yours but at sometime you just say fuck it and move on.
<insert angry thesis on how ET isn't dead and cheaters are literally hitler>
lol maybe new talent best player ever who knows???
I think he went full like 10 times in this clip alone???
vid_restart bug
best player ever confirmed
sneak video? even if bob is still hacking it has 0 credibility coming from that guy lmfao why is he trying to bust already busted players?
I mean, maybe if I wasn't one of bob's teammates in the video
yeah but the guy name is 7^up /..???? not bob... lol nice try guys... next time try harder x ( Thanks look I am famous : )
oh you sure is buddy want my config as consolation prize? or maybe hayzay's config
Selling your nerdy autopush script for $20 /q flawless2858
on sale for 10$ with authenticity certificate
haha cheating in 13 year old game such cool
Putain mais il sont pas mort ces deux la! =) GL grosse pute
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