TAG.DB Looking for 5th

image: cbtag1

As the title says we are looking for a 5th possible 6th(backup) for our DB team.
The role we looking for as 5th is purely medic which will result in someone's revive slave
as sawbonez or aura.

Our preference will be for someone that's been around in ET for a while, played decent level and if possible
but not required played with TAG before.

You can pm me here on crossfire, if you get no answer before the end of the week it means we won't try you out.

Have a nice warm day!
cant, people cant be here at 19 :/
It's too early specially for people from the UK :)
is way to early
ja, kan je die cups niet een uurtje later zetten?
Zou beter zijn voor velen blijkbaar.

Doe eens een poll? Of zijn er specifieke redenen waarom je het altijd op 19u zet?
Hij moet om 9 uur in bed liggen xD
Good luck boyz!
aw, I mostly play skyhammer :(
o em dzi lajtning
whats your lineup so far?
medic avi !
Im avi, should be able to revive.
There is a nader class *winks*
oohhhh! Haha I need lotto weapons ;D Going to try DB out soon.
Well, i am not playing it on a "competitive level", just playing pubs on a low level (so my opinion might be worth nothing), but it seems fun. The nader class works a bit like the rifles from ET, you can shot it to walls/roofs and do tricky stuff (while having a normal gun, a pistol and a knife). Of course, there is some more interesting classes very ET-Alike ^^ but spammy ones seem cool :>
add me on league of legends beechedwhale NA servers regards Brandon "Animal" MacKaig xD
i'm avi !
Good luck! Rape this game up ;)
I just started playing DB i bought sawbones though... anyone can add me: Squeekoya
gl is RImi playing anything these days kinda lost touch with him:/
phnatom only gg
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