need team for lan

i think majority of the community already knows that im searching a team to play with at lan but just to make it as official as possible i decided to spam the site with one more recruitment thread.

something people usually need to know:

22yrs old
6o6 format
somewhat decent
reviving medic
very active lately so i can prac quite often
able to pay everything myself (im not rich tho)
coming to lan anyway. gonna book flights this week

nice dude!

go pick him up
decent player gl mate
thanks mate !
gl buddy
GL Janari!
gl jansku
very much luck to u .. heard somewhere that Finland POLARBEERS are making comeback for LANs??
heard that too but unfortunately can't believe in such rumors. PB are long gone and are never coming back according to Nicke and his knee
They are to occupied rolling on CSGO, for as far I know.
Blackwolf with his ultra high sens.
Damn him.
Yea i hang out with them in the same ts all the time but not playing csgo not even close to ET :D scarce just trolling
If 2.5 sens/400dpi is ultrahigh then ok!!
nice guy, take him before it's too late!
been in contact with him lately + played alot together with BOSSES but thanks anyway!
Good luck nice guy!
no dirty bomb on lan tho :s
Just make some finnish nerdssquad, should be fine
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