2015 Probs with FPS

Hey together,

i bought a brand new notebook with an i7 processor , a nvidia 840M GPU and tried to play ET today.

Well, i got unstable 40-70 FPS on grush. I am wondering, because when i minimize ET with alt+enter i got stable 125 FPS and my notebook was even able to reach 180 FPS.

How is this possible and who knows the solution?

thx in advance.
i tried all standard r_mode and got always stable 125 fps, but always with this black borders on the side.

My native resolution is 1600x900 and i got this in my cfg.

seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_customheight "900"
seta r_mode -1
r_primitives 1
whats the difference between 1 and 2?
wie kommse druff?
r_primitives 2
thats a lot of problems bro
not realy, i bet it has sth to do with the resolution....
i got 99 problems but my new year's resolution ain't one ..
Get better computer.
eeeeeeehhhm nein
Tweak your nvidia settings according to this:
image: ET_settings1

image: ET_settings2
thx will try it...
I don't understand people gaming on their Notebook/laptop and then complaining: 'hey my laptop/notebook can't handle this game, my specs are great, so wtf is happing'.

DON'T GAME ON A NOTEBOOK. Probably default cooling system? Nice to waste so much money, on a Notbook you're slowly killing. (Unless you know what you were doing and bought some decent cooling system for it)?
OR Cooling Docking Station, which is awesome.

Anyway: r_primitives 2 should work.

Disable threaded optimization and vsync in 3DSettings, since you probably installed ET first before you handled your vid settings? ET is pre-historical old, VSYNC fucks it up (yes, this is debatable).

Anti-virus? Firewall (since you will probably be using Windows) or Windows Defender?
Add your game to 'exceptions list'.

rename et.exe to quake3.exe (not joking). Once read it, and tried it out. Must be a placebo effect, but it actually worked. But I remembered this as placebo. Like r_placebo 2 for mAus skills.

Check your r_displayrefresh. Is it compatible? (would be weird if this is the problem, but I'm considering that you canbe stupid).

Not helping?
reinstall game, increase ONLY maximum fps. (don't load ANY cfg).
See how much fps you can get.

'WOW i can get 125 stable fps'
=> check your cfg, use step for step and check where your game is fucked up.

Now I'm gonna guess this is your problem:
Your hunk-, zone and/or sound megs are fucked up. I have better specs than you, yet I couldn't get 76 stable fps. I was like "WTF, I'm not a retard gaming on a laptop, fix this fps shit, thank you".
Anyway, problem with these 3 cvars is that alot of info is all over the internet, and just half of it is true. It's like saying "Ohurcool is cool".
Problem now is, I optimized my megs, but I can't remember what it was set to.
I need to go home and look it up, for you if nothing is helping you?

Still low fps?
Buy Desktop.
This is pretty furious stuff mate
i wont commment the part with "why are you playing on a notebook" but thx for the help anyway...

seta com_hunkMegs "512"
seta com_soundMegs "32"
seta com_zoneMegs "64"

these are my settings and specs are:

got 8GB RAM i7 2,4 - 3 GHz and a nvidia geforce 840m

got an idea what to change?

Try this one:
seta com_hunkMegs 1024
seta com_maxfps 125
seta com_soundMegs 512
seta com_zoneMegs 24

I KNOW, some will say this is bullshit. hunkmegs higher as 512 is useless, well they didn't read the code.
Like i said before 80% on the net, what you read about this quake engine settings = BULLSHIT.

You can put quotes around them. But you don't need them.
Your Notebook should be able to handle thesesettings (values) with eas.

Question: is it especially grush that makes you drop fps?
For example Special Delivery, second stage (when allies need to push button, and everyone is camping button), is close to 125 stable fps?
If your answer is 'yes'
=> These megs settings will fix it.

Keep in mind that these settings (except com_maxfps) cannot be changed when your game is running.
(Maybe it does work if you put it in the autoexec.cfg, but I nevr used that so cannot confirm that).
So what to do?
Place the settings in your cfg, load the game with the MOD (probably ETpeo I guess?).
/exec yourcfg
restart game.

=> this is how I fixed my grush fps drops. Can now have stable fps on 60 players servers. Before due to the soundMegs, everything was fucked up.
Dunno why but i also have to exec my cfg everytime i start et.

console shows the changed megs settings as "latched"

did /vid_restart but it doesnt change?

Anyway, i solved the prob with the et minimizer. I just run et as a window with alt+enter and use et minizer to bring it in the right position, so it looks like a fullscreen. this would be enough for me, also it doesnt solve the problem itself.

EDIT: it is the same prob on every map always btw 40-60 FPS and stable 125fps when i run et with alt+enter as a window.
Like i said: restart game.
Don't do vid_restart.

And k, seems like a workaround. But if you're ok with it, then good luck ;)
lmao srsly? 128mb is min and 512enough
Did you actually read what I said?
or maybe test it and see for yourself?
=> ET will never utilise such high RAM and setting soundmegs to 1/2 of your hunkmegs is insanity.
Did you try it out, yet?
Do you understand that even if ET could actually make use of 1GB RAM that you're dedicating more to sound than anything else?
Quoterename et.exe to quake3.exe (not joking).

I actually tried that. While speccing a game my laptop reached higher fps O.o But after I went to test it on a public my fps decreased from stable 125 to 25, and after trying to vid_restart the game crashes. I tried it again with different compability modes and loaded cfg again but it didnt work. Any thoughts how to get it work?
To be honest: I don't even get it how it can work.
Like I said: I used it back when I had a 'shitty' pc, and it seemed to work.
(I had no crashes though...).

The only reference can be the engine... The engine, which ET uses, is the Quake III engine.
As far I know, no code has been published about that engine?
Anyway, since you're testing it, and I can't test it now:
Google for q3 cvars, that you know won't work on ET (like: cg_kickscale 0. Look for more cvars). Try them out, if you see that those command suddenly work, then I have a pretty good idea how to fix your problem. In fact, I probably found out how to make undetectable cheats.

But don't get your hopes up. I'm 90% sure it won't work. Why your game is crashing, no idea.. need to see the logs first. Then I can try to look it up more precisely. Anyway, for now I can only assume things.

Srry I can't be any more of a help.
After googling around I couldnt find the problem either :( Its even more confusing because I managed to start ET in the first place with good fps, but for the 2nd start of the game fps dropped.
Hmm, just noticed that quake3.exe works only when watching matches in gtv servers :o and after connecting to an actual gaming server it causes fps problems. Maybey actual match servers have blocked some cvars that works in gtv servers, any ideas?
They do block some cvars, and they obligate some other cvars.
I still wasn't home, I'll test some stuff later.
I know you googled 'Quake 3 (or III) engine (source) code'.

Sadly that's the code from Quake 3 the game, which can be helpful. but it's not what I need.
I need the source code from idTech3.
alt+enter :) 125fps stable is because when you go windowed your nvidia card is running and taking the game
go nvidia panel settings and add et.exe in your programs, syn vert off apply to go fullscreen
this sounds good, will try it.

"syn vert off apply to go fullscreen" syn vert off? what does that mean?
vertical sync in nvidia 3d settings OFF
The freaking settings pic I posted here before "hint hint". I guess you know how to access these settings, if not: right click desktop -> nvidia control panel ->manage 3D settings -> program settings -> choose ET.exe, change settings, have stable 125.
Put all nvida settings (the ones you can): so that Applications may choose what NVidia value they can use.
That's what I do.

Can't be bothered tweaking every game, in NVdia.
I wanna tweak every game in its config (or .ini) files.
Well that's a matter of how you prefer things. I only tweaked ET in nvidia settings, haven't needed to tweak anything else so far. :) But yea, all in all we have the same point regarding nvidia settings and ET.
Peace. :)
Quote by Hellfig
Disable threaded optimization and vsync in 3DSettings, since you probably installed ET first before you handled your vid settings? ET is pre-historical old, VSYNC fucks it up (yes, this is debatable).
I never said vsync and threaded optimization are enabled. Ofc they are not.

I dont think it accures from lack of performance. It has to be some kind off setting, the windowed ET has same reso as in fullscreen mode with same size.
What did you mean with "apply to go fullscreen" v1rkeS?
your problem is that your nvidia is not reading the game.
add the game to nvidia 3d settings, performance, vertical sync off, and try to go fullscreen, ingame type r_primitives 2 if you still can't get 125fps do /r_allowExtensions "0" /com_maxfps 125 /vid_restart. Still no stable?, type /r_displayrefresh 60 /r_mode 6 or /r_mode -1 customwidth 1280 height 720 or 1366x768 /vid_restart. Still no stable? delete your profile and etconfig from /etpro /etmain /nq etc. It is not stable yet? Reinstall the game here then /r_primitives 2 all over again rename et.exe to quake3.exe etc... or just play windowed in your native resolution good luck
playing games windowed will always mean you have lower fps. I don't understand why, but it just seems to be the way it is.
Reinstall your driver.
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