Mouse Settings

Hey ET'ers,

As hopefully many of you know Mouse settings are the most important in Enemy Territory.
OK, maybe it's brains. But apparently I lack that.

Anyway, mouse movement can increase your spread, thus making it important. You can have brains, but when you're mouse is all over the place, you won't kill a thing.
That's why it's common to use low sensitivity in ET, compared to other games. And yes, blah blah, I know there are exceptions.

Now, ET is configured by default to have fucked up mouse settings. Especially y-movement is slowed down alot.
m_pitch and m_yaw, also pitchspeed,... but most of the cvars are being blocked for ET offis, etc.

Finely after all of those years of being absolutely shit in this game, I figured out that my mouse settings are crap like hell.
I play Dirty bomb with normal mouse settings (I'l explain this in a bit), and my accuracy has improved (My x-hair tracks the target more accurately). Same story when I play COD.

Normal mouse settings for me are:
- When x- and y- movement are 100% same.
- When my mouse sens is exactly the same as when I use my mouse on the (Windows) desktop. The cm'ers (or inches) it takes to go from left to right, has to be exactly the same to turn 180 degrees in a game. When I finely manage those settings in a game, I'm shooting more accurate. Switching between games causes brain-malfunctioning ( :D ). And therefore I need to adjust from game to game (usually it takes one warmup map). Even pro-players have thise 'malfunctioning'.
Therefore we can call it: the time needed to adjust to a game.

The question:
What are your mouse settings? Do you tweak your mouse software so that it's compatible for et (since most cvars are blocked for your mouse/speed)? Different x- and y-movement?
I'm not talking about what is your DPI and Sens (that's personal).
I'm just talking about: How to mimic modern games way of mouse settings, in ET?

Everything I tried resulted in a blocked cvar by etpro-servers.cfg

Funny, most old config's like the one mAus published (even-though it's not the real one), had pitch and yaw on the same value. Makes sense, you would say. Sadly it doesn't feel like the same value. y-movement is still slower.
Like I said before: ET fucks up your y-movement.
Some now will say: isn't that good a thing? Now you can leave your x-hair better on head level.

but what happens when you're shooting someone who's below/above you? Your mouse accuracy, is suddenly not 100% on target.

ps: Yes, I know I suck and alot and other guys have proven to have a better aim. But I have seen et players in Dirty Bomb, who have a really nice aim on ET, have a worse aim than me (and they have more hour spent in game, than me).
Also for the record: I'm not saying I'm good in Dirty Bomb, just saying I'm better in Dirty Bomb than ET.

So I would like to have someone telling me how to mimic decent mouse sens in ET.



oh yeah: almost forgot. FOV is important as well. FOV is also taken into account when you want to turn 180 degrees.
Same story here, bad in ET and above average in DB.

I tried playing ET again some weeks ago and i was amazed by how low my sensitivity was in my ET config (playing with standard 10 ingame sensitivity in DB).

ET just isn't my game (seems like you have the same problem)
I actually think that the sens in ET and the options you have to tweak are actually more than enough. (funnily enough, when I put my pitch and yaw on the same value the Y[up/down?] feels A LOT faster)

Also I'm using a really fast sens in ET compared to the other players I'd say as I use 2300dpi and 3 usually, but since I broke my mouse I use around 2.25 but for example in CSGO I use 400dpi and 6 ingame sens..

Also funny thing with the fov as I can't play ET with anything above 90 but that default in Dirty Bomb was not possible for me to use and I had to increase it by A LOT (eventhough I'm like better-average at it and didn't play more than 5 hours....)
Isn't minimum fov 90 on et?
always standard settings.
Juist, gij speelt vaak samen met Kevin he?
Adriaan pls
De groene he.
das gene power ranger eh
da maakt allemaal ni uit ze! ge moet het gewoon kunnen :P ali speelde op een blad papier met een 5 euro muis en schoot toch ook super goed? : )
was ni echt een serieuze comment hoor :p
To be honest, yes of course technology has developed so much, we can be more precise, but in all honesty, after all it's the human factor that plays the biggest role in successful gaming. Play hard, play a lot, and that's it.
played some till last Adroits lan with - 1600dpi default et settings 2.5 sens in et and 7/11 windows (no accel)

the older i get the lower my sens goes :*D still playing with same sens but 1.0 sens ingame
I remember my sens being 4,5 or even higher when ball mice we're still used alot. Now it's 450 dpi, 2,71. About the getting older, weird, I seem to be tweaking it a bit higher as the years pass :D. Also playing with constant 120 fov, instead of 112 I used for years..
We all know who you are. I find it odd you don't know other mouse cvars?
For example, multi-importante: m_yaw and m_pitch. They define alot in your 'mouse feeling'.
Anyway, I think I may consider Nick's comment:
Hold it on: I just suck at this game.
he is kresti he is noob with computers
as i replied to douille already i dont know shit about cvars.. :D
tons of top players use default m_pitch and yaw
1600 dpi without raw input ? you must have had massive negative accel
what is raw input? well as Swanidius said already i dont know shit about cmd... iam just using it and feel fine.. :D never really thought about it neither just put some random settings in and started playing tho :/
DB's mouse settings are utter shit. Has accel by default, no r/dinput, massive input lag, skips pixels, etc. In fact, the UE3 engine probably has the worst mouse input all together. I have yet to play a single game it felt... satisfying or even just acceptable in.
Bu.. but... but you can tweak it more than any game I've played so far...

btw: use low sens on dirty bomb, but use high DPI settings.
You'll feel the difference. I noticed that the default sens 10 does funky things. I think that funky stuff was the pixel skipping (can't explain it otherwise). I used the raw_input fix. Still not good.
Lowered the sens close to 2, but increased my DPI enormous. And now it feels exactly the same as COD or CS:GO.

But I'm not an expert in this. Just starting to figur things out. I played with weights in my mouse, took me a while to realise that it was actually a disadvantage for me. I used 35extra grams. Wasn't so smart it seems now.
Now everything feels smoother, but had to lower my dpi. Lost my sens for like two days... But now it's better than it was ever before.
Downside: everything I start playing DB, I need a warm-up (adjustment to sens). Last night played a map with some Lions members, and my aim was so horrible, also wasn't using brains. But later on that night, it was back ok.
Kinda weird, since I never needed a warmup. But bleh... just tweaking it slowly now. Don't wanna lose my sens of aiming, since it's already not that great compared to top players.

On the other hand: Who am I to discuss this with YOU? Your aim is faster and more accurate than mine.
So clearly I lack skills (and/or right mouse settings).
btw it's been proven that any sensitivity below 5 increases input lag and pixel skips more frequently, you may want to revert your changes.
care to share the source ? I like techy techy stuff
i don't have anything specific other than hear/say from people I generally trust with these things. I recommend searching the warchest forums, syku, mustang, chickenwaffles and few others attest to the "sub 5 sens shenanigans"
I use always 1150 dpi (rival,zowie ec). default windows sens blabala. In ET i have 360 sens with puretrak talent. I played like 2 years with default mpitch yawn but week ago i changed mpitch to what i used to have (0.01501). In DB i just picked random sens what felt good and started to shoot hs. In csgo I have 540 degree sens
pitch/yaw simply defines vertical/horizontal sensitivity.
fov doesn't change sensitivity
pitchspeed/yawspeed don't interact with mouse aim but with +left and +right etc
It's easier to aim in DB than in ET (bigger models and less strafe speed + local hitreg)

ET doesn't fuck your Y movement. (You only fuck it up yourself with drivers settings or lower m_pitch)
1) True.

2) Wrong, but also true. It gives you another feel to your sensitivity. I need to test it again, but as far I know the higher the fov, the more cm it takes to do 360? (ask BossHL, he will give you a book, which will take 5-10 min from your life. But you'll learn 1 or 2 things).

3) You really didn't test this cvars, did you? And you didn't even google them? :s Those cvars will control the speed in manner you can look up or down. These cvars are popular for mortar hacks.
Thanks to those hack, these cvars IMMEDIATELY got a limit. Thank the hacks for making that cvars useless. :(

4) 100% true. In ET you really need a 'tracking aim'. Look at Statti's aim. One of the finest tracking aims I've seen in etpro over the couple of years I'm playing ET (which is longer than I'm a member of CF, before you start to flame me like every other single kid does here). In DB you can move your mouse all over the place, hover over head => insta headshot. I wonder how statti would do in DB. You need a fast, accurate and good aim. Tracking aim is redundant.
Ok, maybe not redundant, but you don't need it as much as you would need it in ET. (spread in DB is so minimal, you can just move your mouse all over the place, and still do 1 hs).

In ET: the more you move your mouse (+ the longer you shoot), the more spread there will be. This can resolve in what should be a hs, will be far of the head. As a result noobs getting mad, that someone is unhit (even though his ping is 40-50).

5) ET has one of the worst mouse settings by DEFAULT. (not talking about input. the negative accell, is maybe the only downside). I know Oxy will prove you/me otherwise. But in ET, there are to much restrictions to what you can configure. Drivers are ok.
But yes, m_pitch is to restricted to configure it decent, on ther other hand there are people like sqzz/Nuggan/..., who don't have a tracking aim, but they just have a general good, fast and accurate aim. They prove you also need skills, and the cvars they have work for them. So they should work for others like myself as well. Hence, I lack the skills.
Also sqzz is one of the exceptions, since at LAN his sensitivity seemed the highest of them all (hardly moves his mouse). You would think he would have more spread, but he doesn't. He controls his spread, by using -attack as well during a fight. (= lift click up). This is also known as reset your spread multiplier. (no spread, with your first +attack).
Knowing that + his aim accuracy = good aimer, winning alot of 1o1's.

Of course talking about people's aim, and who's good and who's not. is pure subjective to the person talking about them. All the rest is objective. And can be found by using or by testing it yourself on a local et server with no restrictions(+etmain mod).
pick a sensitivity, go 90 fov. do full mousepad, see where you end up
set 120 fov, do a full mousepad. oh it's magical you ended up at the same place !

pitchspeed / yawspeed useful if unlocked for: trickjump scripts, 180 turnscripts, anti recoil script, mortar script
does not change anything on mouse aim at all. I suggest you try again.
Yes even though this is correct, the feel between aiming with 90 fov is very different than 120. No idea why..
zoom effect.
You see less so it seems faster
Plug & play
800 horizontal DPI / 50 vertical DPI
You only play et, do you?
Or are you trolling me? :(
On the other hand, you're not that great of an aimer are you?
Many years ago, my sens was only low while I was shooting and high again, when I wasn't shooting. That gave me a very nice aiming boost, but I sucked (read: suck) in pistol fights. Therefore I changed it to all same sens overall, which makes me suck at sniper :) but only vanhaomena is allowed to play sniper anyway.

Cant really contribute to your post, but for me everything aiming-wise was happening in the head. After being at my first ET-LAN everything looked really easy and from there on, I was happy with everything I delivered. And I still think that this "aiming at MG or just a spot on the wall" test is the most ever needed test for your settings in every shooter I played. except for battlefield, there you just shoot.
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