Searching team for LAN


Since I'll be unbanned couple days before LAN, I want to try to find a team now for LAN.
- Can pay for everything on my own.
- I'll probably sleep in my car.
- I can pick up someone on the Dutch border, if necessary.
- I know the way to some 'window women', well if you're +18... srry bobika.
- I'll bring a 'bak bier' ( 18 Belgian pints (beer) ).
- Could be my GF will come along, but I don't hope so. If she would, I don't know where to find the prostitutes...

- Skill: low+
- I prefer to play medic.
- Can speak: English, a bit French, Vlaams, Dutch, Antwerps, some polak words (like Kurwa). I can understand 30% Deutsch. I can speak some german words like ('Schwein' and Wienerschnitsel').
- AVI to laugh, and play drunk (we can play sober).
- Can guide you to Anvers (don't know much in Brussel), can take 4 other guys with me in the car (but I don't drive Drunk, and you need to have your seatbelt on. If you don't, I will cut you lose, even though we're on the highway (not joking)).

@Admin: If I don't find a team, do I still have to pay when I come to LAN, and just sit at the bar, hoping to meet: the one and only Gav (and Deryn)? I still need an autograph...
If men need to pay fee for entrance, so be it...

Serious: I would like to come to LAN and find a team. I like to troll, so don't flame me for that. :D
Quote@Admin: If I don't find a team, do I still have to pay when I come to LAN, and just sit at the bar, hoping to meet: the one and only Gav (and Deryn)? I still need an autograph...

You are more than welcome to come as spectator. We don't have any intention to let spectators pay an entree fee.
Succes met het vinden van een team!
Hey! ik zoek ook een team! zou graag x potje doen! Grtz Media
gl Glen
c u there
You coming? :D
gl Glenn & see you there
Speelt gij mee?
Hebt gij een team op LAN?
Zo nee, dan kom ik wel af.

Dan ben ik niet die zielige man die alleen aan de bar zit te drinken. :D
ik ga sowieso als spec
Aight, cu there.

Stuur eens ne reminder als LAN begint,anders vergeet ik da :D

Gij hebt ne raren bak bier ze maat
Toch ene die het door heeft...
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