Aq LAN avi


as the title already tells i would like to go to bruxelles in november to attend the lan.
i am 26 years old, can pay for myself and could hook you up on the way from Leipzig to Brussels.
so if you accidentally looking for a medic feel free to pm me over here.

cheers 8 : ]
cu there mate!
Amina qoyum
Dude, you should've said so before, you could've joined my team :(
Anyway, we'll certainly have a beer together
What do you mean your team?
Brussels is so deadly... Just came back from a weekend trip from there and I have such a huge hangover

Enjoy tho and gl :)
Care to tell where you went?
We only went a few places since we wanted to drink beer, basically. We stayed at the Saint Nicholas Hotel, which is in the Rue Marché aux Poulets close to the Celtica Pub. On Friday we went to the Saint Géry Area to drink beer and finished with a Pint in the Celtica. On Saturday we got up at around 11 to get some food. We settled for the Big Mama which was fucking amazing (13 € for fries, salad, spare ribs and chicken wings) and then we walked to the mannekin pis so we have seen at least something from the city and ended up in the Halle Saint-Géry in the middle of the afternoon. We drank beer and played Kapla there until around 9 to get some more food. Sunday we only went to the O'Reilly's pub and then to the airport.
Sen kimsin looo?
ich möchte mal etwas loswerden wie auf flohmärkten: GL
gl, /q tim :)
Proper aimer and teamplayer. Best of luck :)
gl mate :)
Proper aimer and teamplayer. Best of luck :)
first thing's first!
yupyup :)

I'm actually in Schweiz for the weekend hehe
haha nice. Me and steph going to Open Air Gampel ^^
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