After a few days of serious consideration I've decided I'm interested to attend the next LAN held in Brussels if I'm able to find a decent team & nice bunch of guys to play with. 3on3/6on6

- fin/eng
- any class, prefer rifle or smg eng
- available couple of times a week

For 3on3 I'm mainly looking for a team that is aiming for the precious #1 spot and willing to put the hard work in. For 6on6 I don't really care - just be fun lads and able to hold your alcohol in. Some pracs together from time to time would definitely be a big plus. Also, be willing to have an orgy with me.

Preferably contact me here or in IRC /q LORDI when I happen to be online.
Go rifle, play for timbo
inb4 dodge
says u :D

May the USB be stronk to you.
He said
Quotesays u :D

May the USB be stronk to you.
I said:
says u :D

May the USB be stronk to you.
For 3on3 I'm mainly looking for a team that is aiming for the precious #1 image: ff1bb71cc72d201f0efc2b97fa2ae823
avi for 3v3 bro :s
arent u busy playing csgo?
avi, too :S:S:S
Good luck m8 m8 see you in Bruxelles
hope youll find a team so we can drink some bears
He tells me he's an excellent rifle, why no take him??
I don't think they like me that much.
timbolinas team
able to hold your alcohol in
Ah ah ahah ah ah ah ah
We'll see what happens after 3 Bush :XD
Maredsous triple <3
Good taste mate :)
You are so damn right ! For a guy born the October 18, 1994. I don't think he actually knows what he is talking about.
The thing I like the most in these cases is the time when you're looking straight into the guy's eyes : "One shot ?". "But it's a whole beer". "And ? What's the problem ? You will be drunk by drinking quietly ?" :DDDD

Mumut sent me several french guys back in the days.. With Odd we laughed our asses off a lot of times :D
What the fuck has my age got to do with anything? I'm from Finland, and you are a fucking amateur who doesn't even know what real drinking means. And don't get me wrong, I drink very rarely - I'm a fitness junkie.

Now get the hell out of my thread unless you plan to come to the LAN and keep shit talking to my face. And this last paragraph applies to every shit talker in the thread. community.
Easy dude, he didn't insult nor offend you. Get down of your high horse and try not to think too high of yourself. If you can't handle a basic banter, restrain yourself from replying.
But he did. If he can't come up with something nice to say, he should restrain himself from replying.

Also, my comment is extra negative because I've had just about enough of shit talking in the few weeks. Replying lowers my blood pressure to healthy levels.
Dunno what you're talking about, LOL
Poor kid.. Cry a river, please... But you are quite funny actually, isn't the LAN in Brussel ? Can you give me the date ?
So more seriously, finnish guys will tell a belgian what real drinking means, maybe, I never drank with any finnish guy but I doubt you can reach the level we have in "Le Carré". But I'd be willing to give you a shot if I'm free. Even if you seem to be too much violent for me, i'm a pacific dude, just teasing and drinking with the guy right after so if you are not in the mood... Take the door of your own thread.
tarkotaksä tolla alkoholin sisällä pitämistä, niinku oksentamista vai sitä ettei tuu humalaan?
Vähä molempia. Kyllä me suomalaiset ollaan ikävä kyllä aina oltu kova juomakansa ja Eurooppaa 30 päivää just kesällä kiertäneenä voin sanoa hyvällä itsevarmuudella, että Suomen alkoholikulttuuri (sekä kahvinjuontikulttuuri) on toista luokkaa verrattuna näihin muihin euromaihin mitä tuli nähtyä: Ranska, Belgia, NL, Saksa, Tsekki, Itävalta ja Unkari, vaikka ne tykkää itsensä "kalja ja kahvimaiksi" leimata (löyty about jokaisen maan esitteestä, jonka paikalliset oli tehnyt).
No noi mitä sä tos listasit onki aivan nössöjä, Ranskalaiset ei ole missään vaiheessa ollut mitenkään nimekkäitä juomisesta, vain ja ainoastaan pienestä tissuttelusta ja menee Italialaisten kanssa aivan samaan lahkoon. Saksalaiset on aivan kovia ottamaan, niissä ei ole mitään pahaa sanottavaa. Mutta näin varmaa kovimpia maita näin yleisesti taitaa olla UK, Suomi, Venäjä, Viro, Puola.
Joka tapauksessa itse humalahakuinen juominen on ainki nii helvetin tylsää ku pitää juoda niin paljo, ite oisin onnellisempi jos viinapää ois huonompi :)
^ Samaa mieltä kaiken kanssa :)
No noi mitä sä tos listasit onki aivan nössöjä, Ranskalaiset ei ole missään vaiheessa ollut mitenkään nimekkäitä juomisesta, vain ja ainoastaan pienestä tissuttelusta ja menee Italialaisten kanssa aivan samaan lahkoon. Saksalaiset on aivan kovia ottamaan, niissä ei ole mitään pahaa sanottavaa. Mutta näin varmaa kovimpia maita näin yleisesti taitaa olla UK, Suomi, Venäjä, Viro, Puola.
Joka tapauksessa itse humalahakuinen juominen on ainki nii helvetin tylsää ku pitää juoda niin paljo, ite oisin onnellisempi jos viinapää ois huonompi :)
C'est ce que je voulais dire, c'est triste des gamins de 20ans qui petent un plomb pour une peu de provocation... Après faut avouer que niveau boisson, à me boire 2 bouteilles d'alcool pure à 40° par soirée à une époque, un minimum de 3x par semaine, ça m'a un brin rendu arrogant...

Ps: Il y a pas de ban/warn quand on ne parle pas en anglais ? Je sais plus trop les règles...
gamin de 20 ans, enfin t'es pas beaucoup plus vieux hein :)
L'âge est implicitement lié à la maturité, surtout dans ce créneau-là. Je n'ai pas pour habitude de juger quelqu'un sur son âge, je ne le fait qu'après qu'il ait parlé :)
Sauf peut-être par rapport à l'alcool car c'est en guindaillant durant mes études (durant 3-4 ans non-stop) que j'ai compris que ce n'est pas en buvant des godets en secondaire qu'on sait ce que c'est de boire de l'alcool :)
Yep, French (or any other language except english) is forbidden on forum threads. It's only allowed in journals.
Forbidden doesn't mean we'll be punished, that was the purpose of my question :)
Your messages will be deleted ;)
Ok, I don't give a damn :D
no it won't, only forbidden in news posts nowadays I guess :P
vittu mikä krapula
gl mate, best reviving medic i´ve seen in the history of ET
He had 100% syringe acc with 2/2!
QuoteFor 3on3 I'm mainly looking for a team that is aiming for the precious #1

What game are we talking about? KappaPride
fuckin noob hang ur self
I'll fucking rek u m8 I swear on my mum.
Lordi gonna get beaten up hard there since he has called practicly every player in ET gay/noob/low/fag/othercreativelordiinsults
Well, thank god I'm a strong man with fighting experience.
Yes... Yes you are..
I most definitely am.
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