Selfkill script (automatically selfkill)

Hello guys,

I highly doubt that this is possible, but let's give it a try.

So I am not used to watch the spawntimes and I always miss the selfkill right before the spawntime is ending. So often I get a "full"... I am not a pro gamer, that's the reason.

Anyway, does anybody know a script for an automated selfkill? So automatically 1 second before spawntime it kills my char. It would be also very neat to have an extra key, where I can turn it on and off. Like if I wish not to selfkill, that I deactivate it.

I am not sure if such a script is allowed or possible, but in case it is, I'd like to know how to do it.

Not possible.
possible but could be detected as a hack/cheat as you need to hook it to ET
Well, I don't want to use unallowed things of course. So if it is not legal, than nothing I can do about it.
But can you explain how to do it maybe, if it is ok?
possible, but you wouldn't be able to do anything in the meantime, as it would require usage of wait command ":D"
In the meantime? Do you mean the spec-time, the time u r dead for that 1 second? Or the whole time? So practically you can't play the game?
Whole time ":D"
What that guy explain here above would be the only legal way to do it.
but useless, since wait will cause you to.. 'wait'.
So basically: you can't. You have to use something illegal.
Ok, thanks. Then it is useless of course.
You could use an external program which you can set to make a sound every 30/20 second so you know to selfkill. set it up like you would use a spawntimer, doubt its allowed to use, but very much likely i doubt any anticheat notices it as a cheat cause it's not anyhow gaming related program, and then again its impossible to prove you are using it, and then again who even cares if you used a program like that
Interesting idea and also a good idea. But how to do it?
Of course only if it is allowed to use.
Just google and download a random program which makes a sound. I know a player who used this when he was having hard time suddenly selfkilling on time, he used it for a while. Well, 180 scripts are still allowed I see, so I dont see any reason why this sound program would not be allowed

or then just use those, but the program could be alot better
Thanks. I'd like something which is included in the et configs, nothing external. But I'll still check out some external ones, if they are ok to use of course.
Bind mouse1 quit

T. esse at LAN
So 1 says not possible and the rest says is possible but maybe not allowed.

Is there an authority for these kind of stuff who you could ask for permission?

And can you guys write such a script or explain how to do it?

I always concentrate on the battle, and never focus to the time. So I always miss it, it really annoys me. I can't multitask. that good, because also you have to look after the enemies spawntime.
It's possible to do, but it's not practical. As GreenClon said, the only way without an external program is with the "wait" command, which means you can't move or shoot or anything useful until you kill out. Having a program do it for you is considered cheating in CyberGamer's ET section, and you will be banned for it.

I'm not sure how much experience you have, but I know that I, as well as many of my friends struggled with that when we first started. It seemed to naturally improve on its own over time, so now I just have a feeling when I'm about to go full. As you become a smarter player, you'll check be watching the clock far more often and playing according to that.
Well said. Selfkilling is a vital part of skill in ET and taking that away would be like any other help with either aim or "gamesense".
I don't agree with you.
It is also a vital part of the game to know the spawntime of the opponents. But yet everyone uses a script for that. I am not saying that this script gives you the spawntime of the opponent, that you must find out yourself, but you all use an automated script not to manually count down the timer.
Guess how different the game would have been, if all of you hadn't that spawntimer script. Many people would miss the enemies spawn. It would be a complete different game for fops or panzers. And it would change the "rush momentum". But you use it.

My idea is based on things which are allowed in ET.
It is allowed to see the spawntime of yourself, that is not hidden. Also it is allowed to do selfkills ingame. It would be sth. like a different spawntime script, a script which does a selfkill when 1 second is left on the clock. Like the spawntime script which gives you the st of the opponent, my script would give me a "/kill" in return, not a "clock".
You don't agree with me, I don't agree with you.
Although I indeed am using script that helps me remember the times, I ofttimes don't have time to type it and end up remembering their spawn for all game on. I could live without it and so could most of the players I've played with on the top level. (not counting the 25 spawntimes, they are such a pain in the arsehole, substracting 25 in the heat of battle is something nobody wants to do). Removing that wouldn't change much, only would make the game less comfortable.

The difference between this and your script is that your script actually does something for you, it would be automated action, whilst our scripts makes it easier for us to remember. Hell, we could just aswell write it down on the paper between spawns and it'd have exactly the same result.
I believe you that you and other players can remember it and play without it.
But as you admit, you and all the other players use it.
So it is a fact that it gives you an advantage, else the majority of players wouldn't use it.
My idea wouldn't erase the selfkilling part of ET, as it is really a vital part of the game.
It would just change the problem to a "when not to selfkill".

Technically spoken also the enemy spawntimer does something for you, it is also an automated action. Just the actions are different.
But I get what you want to say and thank you.
but how exactly CG will prove that he used a program for it? :S What kind of program? Maybe you should just ban him right away, I mean he could be using those sound programs like right now and you guys have no idea about it cause CGAC won't detect anything which is not related to gaming, or does not affect the game itself in anyway :S
Just make sure you run the program, before you run CGAC and you're good to go.
He didn't ask how to make a sound every time his spawntime gets close. He asked how to automatically selfkill. I wonder how we would ever detect something hooking into the game ":D"
Yeah well, i dont know about the automatically selfkilling, as it is almost impossible or if there was program(cheat) for it it is pretty damn useless anyway, that's why i provided an alternative solution for his problem which pretty much gives the same advantage with having still your own opinion of wether to do the selfkill or not, which proves actually be better than any script / external selfkilling program ":D"
I really like your idea.

Is it possible to accomplish this idea with only ET config scripts?

To make a script to get a "sound" for ticking? Like dyno ticking sound, configured for the last 5 secs of my own spawntime?
no, but you can even use those youtube links or use app on phone which makes the sounds or dl some random program which is making those sounds
I see. I thought it is possible to hook to the own spawntimer via a ET config file or create a new one (like the enemy spawntimer clock) but you say it is not possible.

Honestly, I don't want to use another program besides ET config files. But thank you.
Well, then you just have to learn to selfkill in time. And selfkilling in every spawn is pointless and stupid anyway, especially on the attacking side. (With def its more allowed, but you can not play really on skilled level like that and will fuck up situations no matter what skill level on axis / allies side)

That sound would have been your answer, if you are so inexperienced and lazy to not even trying to force yourself to actually keep a watch on your spawntime. It's not so hard to think if time passed 10 seconds or 5 seconds
lol you could remember to turn it off or not but you cant ko on time?
That is not the same thing.
To ko on time means you must watch the st all the time.

But my idea does a selfkill always anyway, so I don't have to remember/watch ever.
Just, when I see I don't want to lose my current position, so in ahead I see I shouldn't do a selfkill that round, I just turn it off. For that I don't have to watch the timer or anything, so have nothing to remember. It is just an ingame decision I would make. If I miss that decision, so what? I got my selfkill, which is still better to get "fulls".
you dont need to watch it for the first 15-25 seconds
you need to start watching it 5 sec till respawn
seriosuly dude what you're asking for is not a good idea
The problem is I never know when the last 5 second starts. If I knew that, I wouldn't have the problem of selfkilling.

The whole problem is that I don't have a feeling for "time", when I watch the clock, it is often too late already, passed the time. Because I am focused in ingame things of course.

I think my idea would help me a lot, just it seems it can't be done.
So rather than practising it, u decided to make a journal about it and bitch/cry allover the place because somehow u just can't adjust to it, but by some wonder miracle everyone else can?
I don't understand you people.

This is a forum, a forum of a dead game. I was just asking.

Where the hell did I complain here?

Why do you people have to act like this all the time? I didn't decide to make a journal, was just asking.

Your "alpha" attitudes can... my ass. Grow up, please.

Yeah, I am not that smart to actually think about practicing it... How the hell did I miss that?... Good job Sherlock.
In like 90% of your current posts in this topic?
If that was possible, don't u think by over 10 years of ET, someone would of figured that out by now and we wouldn't be bothering ourselfs by brain storming everytime playing wars to not get full?
I have/had the same problem as you.
I downloaded a timer app (smartphone), that gives me a 'thin-sound' every second I want.
When a game starts, I immediately set my App.
But before I got busted, I used to set my settings in the app, the moment I was full, which didn't take to long :D

E: not allowed during cups though.
How can they know you're using an app on your phone?
Google/Apple could ":D"
How did you get busted then?
Stupid wrong .pk3 in my directory.
Been there since 2009.
Never got detected.
All of the blue PB picked it up.

Weird, but i admit i cheated during oktobre 2009.
Your should ask yourself the question, if it actually would give you less work to do if you have to decide to press a button to selfkill automatically or if you have to press a button to selfkill. It is bad to selfkill all the time and it is bad to never selfkill.

Of course this button should be very handy for you and not pressed by any accident. I had it on my mouse.

The more you play you will recognize that the round timer is not only here to tell you when the round ends. it is very useful to kill freshly spawned enemies, since they can only get to a specific point on the map in a certain amount of time.

ET is all about time. But I don't want to elaborate on this (again) :D
I asked to myself that question.

It is just a different approach to the game.

And from my idea I would benefit more than other way around.

Now, when you miss the st, the worst thing it can happen is to get a "full". So your team has 1 man less.
With my idea, If I miss it, the worst thing it can happen is that I was in a position (maybe with full health and ammo) and should just go on playing but lose that position because of the /kill. But still, my team is not 1 man less and I start with fresh hp and ammo.

And with time, with practicing, I would get used to not to do automated selfkills.

And my idea doesn't make me to watch closely the st. I can turn it on/off whenever I want, whenever I think it is needed. But with the current approach I must watch the clock all the time not to miss it.

So I think my approach is better, at least for me it would be.
Get used to watching the clock, it is the thing which decides about win or lose.

i would rather focus on learning, when to selfkill and when not to. It actually doesn't matter that much if you don't selfkill on the very last second. and if you missed the spawn, then just play on with your colt/luger and stay defensive :) accustom the circumstances! All it needs to kill someone is 3 bullets in your pistol and 1 hp, even then you still have your knife.

and btw: selfkilling every spawn makes you very vulnerable to spawnkill, because you give up your position.
QuoteSo I am not used to watch the spawntimes and I always miss the selfkill right before the spawntime is ending. So often I get a "full"... I am not a pro gamer, that's the reason.

so practise till u master it, wtf. How do u want to deal with harder part of games such as aim or prediction , if u dont even feel like learn as easy thing as selfkill.
I agree with you but why isn't everyone else practicing to remember the spawntime of the opponents and using a script for that???
Why is everyone allowed to do that?

I could ask the same question.

That is somehow ok. Isn't it unfair to allow that but not my idea which is practically also a spawntimer script?
Their script gives a "clock" as a result, my gives a "/kill" as a result.
Their script is allowed, mine not.
which script are you talking about? the red timer next to your own spawntime (timerset) or the chat script eg. "Allies spawn [05/25/45]"?
only pros can do it
maybe you want aimbots and wallahcks too?
If my idea is not allowed, I won't try to argue about it. I don't want an unfair advantage.

Just I don't understand, why everyone is allowed to use a st script to see the enemies st but I wouldn't be allowed to use a different kind of a st script. Above in my replies I explained how I see it and why it shouldn't be illegal.

But from what I understand my idea is not technically possible to do with et scripts. I would have to use external scripts/programs. Even when my idea would be allowed, I don't want to use external things. I thought maybe with a ET config script it can be done, but technically it is only possible with the "wait" command it seems, which makes playing impossible.

So, because of technical reasons this idea can't become real I guess.

Thank you for all the replies so far. Really appreciated (not counting the trolling ones).
No offense but if you can't keep track of your own spawntime you will never be even an average skilled player. Like, nobody uses scripts or external programs to do what you're trying to do (except for Hellfag apparently, but I'm pretty sure he has Asperger's or something). We're talking about the very basics of competitive ET here.

And how can you compare it to an enemy spawntimer? You don't even need a script to keep track of your opponent's spawntime since the "timerset" command is build into the ETPro mod, and it's at pretty much the same hud position as your own spawntimer. Surely if you can keep track of your opponent's spawntime you can pay attention to your own as well?

Find some flash game that requires you to press a button every x seconds. Seriously, you're going to have to learn how to do this on your own like everyone else. There are some Quake Live players who can time 3-4 items at once to the second without any timers like the ones we have in ET. All you have to do is learn to selfkill before your team spawns instead of after. You can do this.
None offense taken, but people shouldn't judge just based on 1-2 hints. I mean I am exaggerating things a bit here of course. When I say "I always miss the spawntime", it is meant to be figuratively, not literally. So often I miss it or in situations I would wish it didn't happen. So I think I am pretty an average skilled player. I have been around for many years and haven't played also for many years. Just, my background is not etpro. I have always been a pub player, never competitive. So I am not used to watch my spawntime, that's alll.
Also I stated many times now, that I don't want to use external programs, I was more asking for a method I can do via ET config scripts, which is not possible I learned now.

How can I compare to the enemy spawntimer?
Firstly, I was talking about the "timerset" command. That was what I meant with script.
Secondly, it is a legit comparison. Because the ET default provides you the ingame game-time. You could watch that time counting down to keep track of the enemies spawntime. But you don't. An automated script (via timerset command) does it for you. How often did you all see fops placing support fire or arties using that doing a spawn kill? Perfectly timed, thanks to the enemy spawntimer clock. Think about how the game would be different without this, if everyone had to watch the ingame clock... But the ETPro mod provides you this advantage. I could also tell to all of you to practice using the ingame clock, but you all rely on that enemy spawntimer...

How does this enemy spawntimer work?
-- It uses the ingame clock and after you set it, as a result it shows you the enemy spawntime.
How would my approach work?
-- It uses the ingame clock and after you set it, as a result it does a /kill for you.

I don't see why I can't compare both.

You see one of them as legit and the other not, but there is no reason to differentiate here. Either both are legit or both not. But if you allow one, I don't see why you shouldn't allow the other one.

And yes, I know that I have to get used to it on my own. But I just wanted to ask. Asking doesn't hurt anyone. It is a try worth.

At least I wished the idea of caej can be done. That should be allowed for real.
I mean we have already by default the blue spawntimer of our own. So it is a VISUAL sign.
I wish I could turn it to an AUDIBLE sign. So a ticking sound or something.
But it seems you can't even do that without using external things...
It's still not comparable. A spawntimer is just that - a timer which shows when a team spawns. You have one for your own team and (if you decide to use it) one for your opponent's team. It doesn't press any buttons for you or make any sounds. You still need basic math and prediction to properly time artillery/air strikes/grenades, just like you still need to remember to selfkill. The timer is just taking one step away from the process. Believe it or not, some decent players don't even use the in-game enemy spawntimer and are still able to do these things.

Again, just practice. Start checking the timer more often, whenever you aren't shooting your weapon. Eventually you'll get a feel for how long you've been alive and be able to selfkill in time without even looking at your spawntimer that much. You need to get this down so that you can focus on more important things like where players are, how many are still alive, what classes they are, etc.

Truthfully? You could 100% get away with using a physical timer like a metronome or phone app or something. But you shouldn't. Not because it's frowned upon (although it is, in my opinion at least), but because you will be a better player if you can learn to do it on your own.

Don't be too bothered by the other comments in this thread. It's just an unusual question, that's all. :P
By your definition: "A spawntimer is just that - a timer which shows when a team spawns." the idea of the user caej should be fine then, right?
His idea is also just a spawntimer, a timer which shows when a team spawns, just with an audio trigger.
Would you consider that as "ok"?

Anyway, yes, I must just do the oldschool way and practice it. Just wanted to make sure if I could also play differently.

PS: I am not bothered at all, just the gamer community seems to be very childish most of the time. Doesn't matter how old people get, they keep bringing their trolling attitudes with themselves. But, it is ok. I am thankfull for all the answers, as I learned a new thing.
Well, according to the rules on CG (much of which is just a modified version of the ClanBase ET ruleset):

QuoteAll programs or files, either modified game files or external programs, which give an unfair advantage to a team or player are strictly forbidden.
QuotePrograms that do not interact with the game in any way are allowed.
QuoteScripts made from nothing more than the manipulation of in-game binds and settings are allowed.

You could argue that it's an external program which interacts with ET and gives an unfair advantage, thus violating the rules. Not sure how easy it would be to detect though. The main issue is that it would run alongside ET as opposed to simply another command/script/feature within the game itself.
Oh god, this brings the Quake memories. Tried to play duels for some time, but timing 25s and 35s items, at the same time was a complete killer for me :D
Time to start playing beach and ice, aye?
well, I got used to it a bit in the end, and it's way worse than in ET there
Haha I'll let you have this one.
Nice one though.
One of the things that makes difference between decent player and shit noobs, every decent player will know how to push out and selfkill without getting full (occasionally that will happen obviously), but majority of time players play along the attention of own/enemy spawntime and adjust their gameplay to that, with mastering that simple stuffs, u gain in skill level as well, since u will obviously play better knowing when to push/selfkill and when to stay without selfkilling.

Scripts like that would make ET on the likes of other shit FPS games where no skill is required to be decent, while at ET aim itself wont get u far, since gamesense and other things are required as well to be good in this game and part of that is exactly knowing when to selfkill, so my advice would be, keep practising that until u learn how to use it, everyone else here did it, so can u, just requires time and practise to master it.
Again, don't judge people or me without knowing me. You don't know what kind of a player I am. Anyway, it is not about me here. I was just asking if my idea is possible or not.

QuoteScripts like that would make ET on the likes of other shit FPS games where no skill is required to be decent, while at ET aim itself wont get u far, since gamesense and other things are required as well to be good in this game and part of that is exactly knowing when to selfkill,

I totally agree with this that is why I love ET and play it.
And my idea wouldn't change this at all.

Because at this moment "knowing exactly when to selfkill" is a part of this game.
With my idea it would become to "knowing exactly when NOT to selfkill", as else automatically you lose your current position and spawn back.

So it is other way around. But the problem stays. When to selfkill or not. It is just a different approach and a different change of the ingame mechanics, but still it needs skill and experience.

And yes, obviously I have to practice, but I just wanted to ask.
I judge whoever wrote that journal, so in this case u, to come up with such silly stuffs. Spawnkilling have been basics since ages and everyone adopted to it, haven't seen anyone in all the years of playing ETpro asking for a spawnkill script.

QuoteWith my idea it would become to "knowing exactly when NOT to selfkill",

U don't really need to have a master degree for that, u are lucky that u have been given a pair of eyes which u can use in a wonderfull way to check your OWN spawntime and obviously not selfkilling on your FULL spawntime, doesn't take a genious to get that into their head and work to learn it properly, does it now?

Now if u want advanced stuff with ways of when to and when not to selfkill (either pushing out or camping somewhere) then only time and practise can help u with that, no amount of scripts will work instead of your brains in this way. We make mistakes, we learn from it, adopt that and make better choise of action next time, simple as.
Just play more wars like 3o3 mixes and nbs get used to 20sec 30sec spawntimes. start timing ur nade 3 - 5 sec before u selfkill u will get the hang of it
I can't see this ever backfiring in any circumstance.
nice full lol
I got your script working.
Kinda lol actually...

Everyone (including me) has forgotten one nice script.
And actually Lightning, who doesn't have this script, has all the 'ingredients' to get this script working.
I was looking at his cfg, that triggered an idea.

For now I'm having a few problems:
1) You can only let the script run, one spawntime (allies: 20 sec for example in sp_delivery).
Need to get it in a loop. But I hope that will work, but I'm almost out of ideas.
if the /kill will be enforced, you need to set it again...
2) You will need to work with several CFG's, instead of one.
Since most here only uses one script, in fact you can split it up to several cfg's. map_cfg's, allies_cfg's, axis_cfg's,...
Some still use autoexec.cfg, but just don't use that...

btw: what I did, is just .cfg'ing. No third-programs here :) So basically, usable for offis, I guess? (not sure about his, but it's no extra software)

E: i'll send it later with a pm when I tweaked it a it more ;)
(need to be home to actually test/tweak it more, can't do this stuff at work ofcourse )
We are talking about the script I asked for? That sounds awesome.

I'll be waiting to hear from you.

It would be an interesting thing, if it should work.
Srry I wanted to play DB last night.
I'll see if I work on it today. I think I figured out last night in bed (yes NERD), how to put your script in a loop.
Not sure what will happen.

Basically it works like the 'dynotimer'.
problem: it is an external script/software.
=> I reduced it to just a cfg. :)

You need to press a key, then type in your 'st'. And 20 sec later you will /kill automatically, if you're allies.
Of course maps like frostbite will need a special adjustment for just the allies.

So basically it got like 50% what you asked, BUT 99% here say it's impossible, I prove them greatly wrong.
IN FACT: I can let an ET sound being played when you should tap, instead of /killing?
Or I can do both, whatever you want?

Funny thing is: I've seen like a hundred of cfg's. Even pro cfg( from (not) pro players), and it's retarded that no-one here can come up with this script. It's practically already been made.

Last remark: I hate that guy. but he's 100% right:
And if he's clean, and I think so, he's the living prove of what he says. That guy is so annoying @pub games.
btw: who are you? Kinda weird you're using a proxy ?
No pressure mate, Take your time.
So this community doesn't know everything as you prove them wrong.
I'd love if you could add a sound to it. I have to test it if /killing or a tap sound would be better. Maybe a "warning sound for the last 3-5 secs or sth". So I can see what fits me the most.

And I am not using a proxy, what do you mean?
"By long look" that kind of script wont help you out. You will learn to play without putting any focus on your spawntime, since something else will always notify u when its about time to /kill. This means you will learn to play without having any clue what ur spawntime might be at the moment, and whole game is based on spawntime. Most likely you will end up doing stupid shit such as rushing to flag, where it takes 7seconds to go, and your spawntime is 5seconds and enemy's spawntime is 20 at that specific moment. You'll just rush there cause you are near by it, but timewise getting the flag at that moment is pointless. You'll have to have a clue of your and your enemy's spawntime, to play this wise. This script wont help you to do that, but instead it will teach you to not care about spawntime.
why dont you get a clock/ watch/ app that makes a noice every period and put it next to your monitor?
I think it is a try worth. Maybe you are right that it will teach the wrong behaviour, but I think I would benefit more than it would cause me troubles.
If Hellfaq manages to write that script, I'll test it and will give a feedback to you guys.

I don't want to use external things and also playing with headphones, probably you won't hear the noice anyway. But also I am too lazy to do that for every map :D.

I know, I am a bit a fool.
The last few days I am playing on the AlterNBS server and I think I am doing quite ok. But still I miss so many times my own spawn, I wish I would have a warning sound or the automatically selfkill.
Take your full spawns like a real man and rage mm1 till you respawn.
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