Bloods effects CFG's

Hey everyone,

Do you know how to get the same bloods effects than in karen video ? I know it's possible because i used to have them until last week, but by mistake i exec another cfg and i can't remember the command :/ damn me...

Oh, yeah by the way, as you can see there is no more little white smoke when you hit enemies (it's red instead). Could you tell me the command i need to type as well please :)
cg_showblood 1
Yeah, thanks that works but i still see the white smoke when you give damage to enemies, and in Karen's video you only see the red. This this exactly what i want, if someone know how to do it, let me know please.
Ps: Is it a matter of gamma ?
just increase the gamma in your gfx cards settings
Na, i've already tried, and it doesn't work eighter... All i'd like to know is the command to switch the white smoke in red like in Karen's video. I've done it so, i know it's possible. But which cfg you need to type in the console is the question xD
I don't think it's config related. KareN's movie probably was recorded in Image-ET, tool used for moviemaking purposes and by dedault uses red blood splatters so there's nothing you can do about this (think so).
Here is an another example of video with the blood splatter effect that i want:
What do I get as I tell you xD
You get my thanks :)
Could you send me a PM if you know please mate.
send my cfg send it your cfg look at it tomorrow because I do not have time today and you will write back
i send msg .
Nope, that's not it eighter :/
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