2k15/2k16 1on1 ladder

Yo nerds,i was wondering if we can open an 1on1 ladder it might raise the activity a lil bit and its gonna be a nice opportunity for me to rape some nerds again.xD

With love,
Damon Salvatore <3
QL / reflex 1v1 >> ET 1v1
Good suggestion bro, im up for it!!
jolly good times q+e=€50
image: rs77dl
Leanviss too stronk :s
nah i raped him 2 times already hes shit gg
best idea 2k15

damon for president
arent you the guy who got banned for cheating? kkthx
woah, you showed him good. Dunno if he will be able to recover from this ...
Nah I'm the best 1v1er

Ask ohurcool
valhalla only

me > you on obj maps
I needed a laugh while I wait for my flight
should've brought a mirror with you then 8)
heheh Damon

Ill come back especially for it then
Im lookin forward to our next 1on1 then m8
Yes bro dont worry ;)

Just let me have ET again, cant even connect on my laptop anymore because the laptop is just Dead. Blue screen, my hard ware has been destroyed by something (probably a virus) so give me few days, and few pracs and we will play again ;)
damon the guy from uF ?
Yes i was in their team in the past
i also used to wear the uF tag .. im heaven
So much rape in this journal, you might think this guy is from Moldavia....
I would play a game or two :)
I can be first ranked for years if needed
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