GamesTV - Stats + randomness

When will the statistics page in GamesTV be fixed? What happend? Why is it down?

Will the world end? Will ISIS win? Will Ipod find a girl, asn stop using his hand (gaming, of course...)?
Will the thread get logged because I mentioned ISIS? Will I be tracked down by some governments because I mentionned 3 times ISIS (or was it two times, and this makes it a third)?

If a man, is a woman. And that woman is a man, what sex does it have?
What/who/whatever had a foot but no legs (and not, it's not a a table)?
What has hands, but is unable to clap?

Welcome back Team Keen

Thanks for that journal
Msh100 will fix the GTV statistics when he has time © ohuradmin

ISIS will be probably bombed till its exterminated, then some other terrorist group will take over. Circle of lyfe.

It's a man.
A ruler.

Can confirm.

I have like 3 weeks off over Christmas to catch up on a few things I have lost track of. I am aware of the problem and understand why it is happening (and confirmed it), so it shouldn't be too tricky.
Good job Marcus. Merry Christmas <3
u are the best i swear

everyone should donate you 5 bucks
Did you start? #makethishappen
play Albion online with me
dont fix mate! all the ramboing will be starting again :(((
just use a tag that breaks statistics, np
Or your stats will appear
come on stray you gotta let have outlaw have some fun too. At least before he could point and say: "Hey we lost but look at all this damage i've done!". Who is going to pay for your tournament winnings if he gets demotivated and quits
this. but i like outlaw.. :( imo hes a good player :o his comment made me sad :( i don't like him anymore!

against outlaw (fucking busted cheater nooby)
I regret nothing
You shouldnt, stray is just mad coz bad :3
or before everyone start pointing how shit you are mate :D
u mean how shit ur english is?
You're the zero we deserve!
Do you want the gravystats source code? I posted it a while back but I think you guys are stuck with your implementation of statwhore?
It's implemented perfectly fine - just not executing :D

Feel free to share the code though.
the US need ISIS to destabilize EU point
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