GamesTV - Stats + randomness
When will the statistics page in GamesTV be fixed? What happend? Why is it down?
Will the world end? Will ISIS win? Will Ipod find a girl, asn stop using his hand (gaming, of course...)?
Will the thread get logged because I mentioned ISIS? Will I be tracked down by some governments because I mentionned 3 times ISIS (or was it two times, and this makes it a third)?
If a man, is a woman. And that woman is a man, what sex does it have?
What/who/whatever had a foot but no legs (and not, it's not a a table)?
What has hands, but is unable to clap?
Welcome back Team Keen
Will the world end? Will ISIS win? Will Ipod find a girl, asn stop using his hand (gaming, of course...)?
Will the thread get logged because I mentioned ISIS? Will I be tracked down by some governments because I mentionned 3 times ISIS (or was it two times, and this makes it a third)?
If a man, is a woman. And that woman is a man, what sex does it have?
What/who/whatever had a foot but no legs (and not, it's not a a table)?
What has hands, but is unable to clap?
Welcome back Team Keen
ISIS will be probably bombed till its exterminated, then some other terrorist group will take over. Circle of lyfe.
It's a man.
A ruler.
I have like 3 weeks off over Christmas to catch up on a few things I have lost track of. I am aware of the problem and understand why it is happening (and confirmed it), so it shouldn't be too tricky.
everyone should donate you 5 bucks
against outlaw (fucking busted cheater nooby)
Feel free to share the code though.