Jet avi

Hello guys! :p

A little introduction:
- 24 years
- german
- got TS and stuff
- skill, no clue
- just installed that cgac thingy
- name: Johannes alias ***Jet[eXe], ***RAVELAND[eXe], BA'Jet, JetPhReaKz
- playing every kind of role, prefer medic

I've been playing a lot on public servers nowadays, since i got a lot of time again! Never been too much in the ET scene, but still up for some scrims and stuff ;p I'd like to play in some kind of active team, that is in need of someone for offis, scrims etc. BTW. I'm also up for some mixes if u need a merc or sth. Saturday evenings could be a problem, due to my alcohol problem :-)

Looking forward to play with some new players (or old ones :P)

NEED TEAM, FOR REAL, missing the Teamplay :'<
gl Muchacho huehuehue
ist das muchacho ? oder hast du es nur so geschrieben ?
beid en 10 Persönlichkeiten schwer zu sagen :D

laut xfire ist er das :)
ihr meint wohl eher einen anderen muchacho mit schwarzer schrift? :P
genau den meine ich :)
wäre ein neues team auch interresant ?
come ts3:
na klar ein neues team wäre auch interessant, hauptsache ein paar scrims =)
omg jetli omg
Take him !
Gl man
omg snake omg
t'es passé ou ??
pk? jte manque ?
bah ouais..... les 3v3 offi me manque mdrrr
Great player,
Good guy,
Funny person!

have a nice day!
Good luck
gl mate, i think mahla still plays from time to time so maybe hit him up
Yeah, Listen to this guy.

Hop in PRK ts Jet! We are still playing weekly! I'll pm u TS info.
interesting site i love it keep posting more!
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