Recruiting ET team

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Gentlemen eSports is currently recruiting a 3on3 & 6on6 Enemy Territory team who will participate in the ET United 6on6 Quick Cup #1 and might attend the 3er Open ET LAN.

What can we offer you?
  • TeamSpeak3 channel;
  • A website
  • A teampage on our website;
  • A big and active community which you can play games with;
  • Cups and events in all games that you can play in;
  • When needed an own matchserver;
  • When needed an own subforum on our website.

What do we expect?
  • Participate in the ET United 6on6 Quick Cup / 3er Open ET LAN;
  • Be active on our forum and teamspeak;
  • Preferably establish a team for long-term;
  • Nice behavior & good attitude.

Interested? Send a PM!

You can also send a PM if you are intersted in joining Gentlemen eSports in any other game.
No t-shirt no deal
No t-shirt no deal
i wouldve made u #1 team but no t-shirt no deal
what mind said
We will have t-shirts guys. Calm down. Give us 1-2 more months :~D
monada said you both had agreement with hodor about team like 1 month ago. What happend?
He didn't respond to me anymore is what happened [*]
When did u talk to him about it last time?
as i said in last pm to you timbo mate - wont waste your time if i cant arrange stable line up and as far i know people that i want to play with got some other plans @ cup or just didnt find our line up attractive enough
You can always waste my time friend :) <3
calls himself gentlemen
wants to fuck igla up the ass

i smell conspiracy
teamname is actualy gentLemon, stands for gentle lemon
related to lemonparty, just with a gentle touch
9/11 confirmed timbo & his lemon buddies

come to think of it,i want that t shirt nao
the sad thing is you were probably giggling your ass off the entire time you typed all that out
nice! GL :)
no LAN support no deal
Sponsors have no interest in a game like ET, you should know
was joking and talking about LAN support for me :p
we will give it to you, no worries
cargo ship tickets are cheap, just need to leave 3 months before LAN start date
gMen'base looks nice what u think timbolina ?:)
Lol idiot back
no only playing cs;go don't worry =)
Matchmakings? Or faceit?
In for cs:go
So you,me,h2o 2 more needed
no cheaters ty :*
U mad?I dont need someone 2 carry like u xd
playing with cheats doesn't count as carrying :')
Lol keke bootblack
wut, me, you, risk, dialer

See you at DH Malmö
who is this me guy?
What about the you guy?
This is battle between erase and hodor
and Forward Momentum, if they will only find stable 6th :P
Synergy is the team you're looking for.
QuoteWhat can we offer you?

No T-shirt, no deal
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