#tA.et, new KRP ?!?

We have already seen Finland Tampoon's showing their wonderfull skills in ET matches. (Or actually, those weren't skills, it was just a broken mouse.)

Last night we had a CB 6on6 Ladder official against tA.et and as you might guess there was one guy who took our notice. Clanbase profile and guids were just resently created for this guy.

#ctn.et -sherlocks, knattertons, matlocks and mcgyvers were ready to action in 2.426 seconds after that came out.

We got the IP from the server logs, after a quick check we knew that it was a guy from Finland Savonlinna and using ISP called Savonlinnan Puhelin Oy. We also knew that SPOy uses dynamic IP's so of course we crosschecked the IP for busted players and found this:

Swan at PBBans
Swan aka Kirurg at CB

Obviously this fucker has a dynamic IP-addres, but as you can see only the last mask changes.

We knew everything from now on and get straight to action without any covertops.- business and asked from tA.et guys theirselves:

<@cellux> AmG- SwipeR` kuka o tamppoonien Neo`?
<@AmG-> cellux
<@AmG-> swan
<@SwipeR`> cellux se on swan :P


<@cellux> AmG- Swiper` who is Neo` from tamppoon's?
<@AmG-> cellux
<@AmG-> swan
<@SwipeR`> cellux it is swan :P

Another sad day for Finnish ET-community and hopefully another dropout from OC, who want's to play against a team who consciously recruits busted players?

Later on our masterdog of sherlockchief Finland IronFist found interesting coincidence: Idols Log. At the same minute removed member Gifu alias swan and added angga alias neo alias swan.


I just got the information that tA.et is dead. This created many emotions in my head but the most important was this:
Finland IronFist: mission completed!

Flame on: #ctn.et
i remember playing them in an offi, they were sucky :[
TEH rEaL neo from Matrixxx!

explains everything
new KRP?!?!
LOL nice sherlocking ^^ :D:D
jes sherlock number 1 !
fake logs?.. im not swan lold..
selitä lisää
busted & banned player.
du gjorde en squall, skillat!
Cheat type Forum spamming
gj swiper and amg nice done!!
nyt ne loukkas krp:tä pahasti
they are/were also playing with that Andy guy and messi/mess1 whatever has been busted several times so far. ifa was using aimbot combined with wallhack most likely. hf.
Swan also plays OC as 'anggah' in some random clan.

PS: Älä vertaa swania krp:hen, me sentää kärsitää ne bännit eikä tehdä mitää fakeaccoja
Joo, nii näytitte tekevän, ei tainnu tosin koskea crossfirea vai miten oli?
No they just suck
team-88 and I think that everyone is 90-92, np.
Tbh this is kinda embarassing for me 2 because i had no idea that ankka was swan the cheater before i heard his voice in ventrilo.
too lowskilled and irl-retarded to be new KRP
im swan's brother.. so np end of case! =)
ootko noin säälittävä oikeesti..
no hax just skill

jesus forgives you!
Tulette kuolemaan assyillä [ syy: jumalanpilkka ] t: krp
Yeh #Rad.et had a 6o6 offi with tA.et a while back and showed evidence in their demos showing a *broken mouse* (aimbot wh thing) and clanbase somehow dismissed it and gave them the win.
You let them win? lol
They scraped a win, needless to say we know why ;)
Wondering why Ifa got kicked too, things are falling into place :S
YES! We are too skilled for you!
tA.et is well known for having cheaters in team... its not new that from that team people get busted all the time, ive played against them and owned them and the next time they owned us hard and right after that got another player caught from them...
we play sunday against them!
what do I have to do (panic panic panic) =D
get ready for the biggest whine of all time
I would like to see Anggah playing @ lan :))))
ei se pysty tulee ku sen pitäis kärrätä rullatuoli ja tiputusvehkeet messiin
Moi mastah!
why im not in tapplista
I missed the krp-part here
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