Enemy Territory freezes


I have downloaded ET following the instructions from " how to play ET in 2017 " but I am still experiencing some trouble.
After some time playing on a public server my screen will freeze and the sound will go into a loop.
The only way out of this is turning my computer off. I have already googled for this problem but haven't found a solution to it. Maybe some of you experienced the same problem and know how to fix it?

I am using windows 7 and AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series.
Open ET, type /logfile 1, join a server and wait for your screen to freeze. Then turn your computer off and back on, and find a file called etconsole.log in your fs_game folder (the mod you're playing, e.g. etpro).

The lines close to the end of the file might give you some clue what's causing things to crash.
try heating it
check windows event viewer on the timestamp that problem happens, try applications section

may be related to ET or to the graphics cards itself

do you notice any extra stress/load on the cpu, gfx card, disk, fans .....
happens while playing other games ?
happens in specific situations of ET(i.e. everytime an airstrike comes .....) or at random ?

can be a lot of things, it is up to u to narrow it down to the root of the problem

+what hazz said

i miss the old folks here at crossfire where any post would turn into a fun and rich evening of discussion learning and insults ='(
Quote by quebratolasi miss the old folks here at crossfire where any post would turn into a fun and rich evening of discussion learning and insults ='(

I never really participated in any such discussions here, but I did read some, and I have to agree that the quality has decreased a lot. These days pretty much the only thing you can find here is cheap trolling.
The logfile didn't reveal allot but I guess I will keep searching for a solution.
If I happen to find it I will place it here. Thanks for the help.
Winter is coming :\
You know nothing, ag0n
Soon, soon he will know something! John Targaryen is coming!
Aegon Targaryen* ;)
SPOILERS! 20 mins remaining to end watching todays ep.
this was known before the finale tho
Not the name...just the family name!
ah, my bad then
It's alright. I never cared about spoilers.. unless you spoiled something fucking huge and unexpected xD it was not
try formatting c
reboot your modem.
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