Agonie Screenshot

image: 1520171033488762645
KillerBoy - "this guy too low to cheat"
the outcome of being a member of shootej fanboy club. :D
shootej is a cheater
Pls target shootej next. Guy gets away with all the hax
also Simon too
and there are many more getting away with cheats who are adored on hbc so please get your heads out of your asses and start realizing who's cheating and who's not
I am already banned on HBC so calm your titts
Stay strong <3
What's the matter? It looks like a default polish config.
who is even agonie
He's gonna need a good e-lawyer.
Thats lan fucked for him now...
your cheaters demos have already been 2 times on this side
HBC Normal Screen = Fucking Cheater Server
Good job have seen some other guys banned like morph good choice
famous hsjes team..old cheaters..shootej, agonie, fabioo, vallk, partygirl...and stemme.And admins applaud their skills with admiration....
agonie yes, fabio yes, partygirl dunno and stemme no.
Don't know if i should be offended or flattered :DD i was never part of any team called hsjes and i was never haxing mate
I approve this message mate. You aight xx
vid_reatart bug
Busted under his past aliases as Mcdonald and Dragonstone aswell
Vid_restart bug
When that guy follows shootej & Mxtr he already deserves to be ban.
Dont understand all the complaints, server's fill with noobs
show me ur skill without wallhack
I'd rape this noob when he has hax on np
It's probably a real screenshot, but has anyone considered lately how easy it is to spoof a PB GUID?

Also, who cares if someone occasionally wallhacks on a public server.... if the server takes regular screenshots, they can see if someone's doing it all the time. I would still ban him from the server but I don't think it's such a big deal.
No one has ever seen him since this bust.. I think he has just simply stopped ET forever.. (or maybe will he returns under an other nick one more time ?). He must but full of shame now and I don't think we will see him again.. so even if he was not banned .. ^^
Why the hell would anyone cheat if they find it shameful... I really don't understand people.
I guess he feels shameful to show himself now everyone know he cheats cause people will troll him until the end
Quote by hazzAlso, who cares if someone occasionally wallhacks on a public server....

QuoteIt's probably a real screenshot, but has anyone considered lately how easy it is to spoof a PB GUID?

Saw someone using dAFF's guide with full aimbot on hirntot. Well, maybe it was him, but only way out is comparing IP's I'd guess?

QuoteAlso, who cares if someone occasionally wallhacks on a public server.... if the server takes regular screenshots, they can see if someone's doing it all the time. I would still ban him from the server but I don't think it's such a big deal.

You're trolling right? Wouldn't you always be a little suspicious with a guy like this on your team?
I'm always a little suspicious about everyone, but I don't take it as a personal insult if someone manages to fool me for a while, so I don't get all worked up about busted cheaters.
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