looking for an old fragmovie!

Hello everybody!

I would like to ask you users, especially administrators if there was made any backup disc for the for the fragmovies that were uploaded many years ago. I'm looking for an amateur fragmovie of my first clan SWAT ...LINK-> http://www.crossfire.nu/videos/view/id/1324
It means a lot to me so if there is anyone who can help me about this i will be very thankful!

Cheers immoo!
I'm also looking for a fragmovie for a longtime
rEdstorm ET fragmovie PLS help!
EDIT: old movies from swertcw dump: http://ftp.luth.se/pub/misc/swertcw/movies/

also looking for Tosspot shoutcasts when he casted for QuadV and beyond! if anybody has any please upload, especially interested in:

Also help me spam tosspot to upload his old shoutcasts he found recently:

Tosspot quote of the day:
I have those shoutcasts I think on my HD
Feel free to upload them somewhere and send me the link!
Oh please dab!!... I was already happy.... and then this.... :)))
isto, kak klik bejt mejt
There was a fragmovie where a song was used: The Servant - Cells. Been looking for this movie forever now and can't find it. Only thing I remember is this song sadly.. :(
indu movie 3!
Thanks for the name, much appreciated! :)
You can download some free movie watching apps at uptomods
ET Movie highlights from 2007 to 2015 are included. The project was initiated in March 2014. For the best experience, I advise downloading the film. bubble shooter
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