Pubg ESL

Hi All,

There is some great events coming up monthly and weekly with some good prize funds.

Recently got into the top 10 teams in eu but had to a take a break.
Looking for 2 to 3 players.

Play duo and squad events.


Must have game sense and not just jump in
pics or never happened
Not mad just slightly salted
Quoteunlike most that have time I run a very hard business and my free time isn't much. I play pc games 3 hours a week on a sunday that's it.
your issue is? I mean if you want to hear I hired 14 more staff members and just had 14 days off but still made more than you do in 10 years? better answer chap?
y u so mad?
have you invested in sexdolls?
Sorry I couldn’t answer earlier because my free time isn’t much. I only play pc games 3 hours a week on s sunday and thats it.
nice, keep up the good work williams
I have kd of +8 is this ok?????
I was once top 50 EU FPP fragging. Do I qualify?
You must be a poor recruiter, no offence, just worried about your business.
Awesome site i love it keep posting more!
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