Looking for frag movie or demo

I am looking for a demo / movie I saw around 10 years ago. The map was Würzbug Radar. Somebody was defending the west radar alone, only 1-2 mins was left and 4 ppl were against him. I think he was with fieldops (or maybe medic) 2 were coming from the ammo house and 2 from the hut. He killed the 2 from ammo house first and 1-2 sec later the other 2 and they won the match. He gave around 10 hs to the 4 ppl. I think it was on a clanbase event. I am almost certain it was not a ladder match, but I am not sure. Top clans played against each other, but I think not dsky, gunslingers, dignitas or e-star. I think there was an "a" in the guy's nick, but I don't know who it was. I am pretty sure it was not Ankel. Any idea about what match was it and where can I find a demo?
Must have been kApot.
kapot 10 years ago was not born yet
I am looking for a demo / movie I saw around 10 years ago. The map was Würzbug Radar. Somebody was defending the west radar alone
sb BloOdje vs dignitas
mental moments maybe?
Sure it was not some butchji or sNoOp actions ? On youtube you can find some but it was vs more than 4 players i guess
Indeed seing it shows that it looks more about the description ^^

Good job ^^
gyere pubgzni:)
Great! didnt know about this before, I had doubts but thanks for clarifying. deck installers spartanburg
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