Zeroskill for LAN


i would also like to build up a team for the ETernity LAN

hope to get some old zeroskillers for it -- didnt talk to no one atm so i need 5

i can offer some free drinks and maybe some sleeping rooms in Cologne

i am off for the Christmas now will be back 8th January -- if u r interested just let me know

Merry Christmas and a Happy New One
Part with the free drinks is true, you can trust him
no mam nadzieje ze wypijemy cos ponownie :)
typowi polacy - jedyna rozrywka to picie alkoholu xD
mozna jeszcze palic baty i wciagac koks z rowa kolegi z internetu :XD
But what if it turns out to be the This is ET LAN? Haha, I appreciate the effort and good luck
as i said in the name topic -- ETernity is the only reasonable name because the last ET LAN should be named This WAS ET
ETernity should be the only name tbh this is et is the fragmovie by kamz... ETernity is 100% better
i fux wid it yo
image: giphy
Ciekawie sie zapowiada, powodzenia :)
zapraszam do skladu nocleg dla ciebie tez zalatwiony -- i jak sie uda to nawet do domu odwioze :)
brzmi dobrze, bedziemy w kontakcie :)
no jak sie wszystko ulozy to moge grac
No to jedziemy. Pora w końcu komuś wpierdolić na tym lanie.
dokladnie tak.
zeroskill aka the polish team wirh the coolest supply depot def tax
Jakbyscie szukali jakiegos grajka to jestem chetny , pociupie sie troche i hs beda wpadac ;)
interesting site i love it keep posting more!
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