Rifle for lan?


Im seriously considering attending to up coming lan. Is there any team that would require rifle for lan? Contact me here or on schnee’s discord.
played with and against him
had some nutty shots going

not sure if hes supply only doe
Pretty much supply only. A bit gr aswell but thats it!
Hey mAhla, I have been in touch with fAntasy. Speak to him, I think we might have you a team if you are interested!
Ill do that!
Alright, keep in touch. You can have my whatsapp from fAntasy if needed
Hi mAhla,
Thank you for your application, but #follow.et Professional eSports Cklub won't be needing your services. Please contact me if you want to discuss your application or arrange a feedback session on your application.
Warmest regards,
good rifle. dont belive me? belive in this video!

Good luck brother hope you find one <3
gl mahla =)
Cant believe this article made soo much sense now. You really have a talent for this! Continue pressing on! vinyl car wrap philadelphia
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