The PhReaKz looking for medic for lan


We are looking for one more medic to fill the last spot in our LAN lineup. We probably wont be praccing at all before LAN. Maybe a match or two, but prolly not much more. We also dont care about your skill. Looking at the signups, we are prolly already the lowest skilled team that is going to LAN. We just want to go to LAN while its still possible, and have some fun for the last time. One last ride.

So our current lineup looks like this:
United Kingdom Fantasy (The guy who is gonna carry us)
Finland mAhla (Shit random rifle)
Finland pulssi (Team's brains, didnt play for ~5 years)
France Snatix (The guy who is gonna carry us #2)
Poland StorN (Our hairy polak, didnt play for ~10 years)
Europe YOU?

If you somehow are interested in joining our ranks, you can contact me here or on discord.

The PhReaKz
Stopped reading when i saw that FantAsy will carry.

~ kApot
Should give you an idea as to what our skill level is
Looks pretty low+, bet you can't wait to get smashed by
Think you are over estimating us.
I cannot wait until I get to treat your whole lineup like a female escort that does anything for a fiver.
omg Pulssiman is back :D

Wanna join us?
give me free beer and im in. :)
sadly i have national bodyboard comp at same weekend, even to watch some games it will be impossible :(
Damn, unlucky :/ Would have bought u a beer or two!
LAN winners
I am avi, on the condition that everything is paid by you and we take 1st spot, take it all or not.
Aint looking for mercenary.
Still looking or only attending 3o3?
Still need 6th and 3rd.
GL guys :o
Wouw, thats a old nick right there! Cu at lan maybe? :p
Haha, yup!
Was surprised to see you were still playing AND going to the LAN.
I will come as a spectator so cu @ LAN :p
Haha, yeah its been a while. Was kind a suprised myself aswell, finding myself going to LAN. Gotta blame Fantasy for that, talking me over.

I'll cu at lan!
Convince StorN to come to the next one if it's in Poland ;)
Would have to start from convincing myself :D
Great site i love it keep posting more!
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