a socks is searching a clan

Hi im cless and looking for a german Germany med skill clan or higher :p xD

About me :[/u]

¬ I'm 15 years old
¬ I'm German Germany and speak a little english England
¬ My skill is around med
¬ I play Medic,engy and sometimes field op

¬ And ilove ET Anonymous

What i want from you:

¬ med skill clan
¬ have a lineup
¬ a clan with future no 3 week clans
¬ fun at the game


xfire socken4ever
icq 321224261

thanks to read this :=)
gl hf sockeeh
gl socks :)
gL söcklein, was mit qF?
¬ a clan with future no 3 week clans

something new, "no 2 weeks" is old.

xD its boring to read all the time the same
GL Socke!!!!!!!!!!

skilled, aktiv und nett!!!!!!!!

HF hoffe du findest was gutes...
I'm a friendly guy and have fun to playing ET

did humM3L help u with ur english?
gl sockkie arsch :<
sock wnb
gl mate :x
#gD good luck
gl uk.sock
im socks and
not sock
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