Sorry people

1 week ago, i tried to recruit a med+ skiller for sFxgaming-imagenatiff

sorry for evrything, i joined the clan cause of the name;

cause we all know that sfx-Gaming is a good community.

but, after getting tipt they all cheat, i had a look @ the pbss, and couldnt find annything but black screenshots @ all, Gnajda msoje kossta.. all have black screenshot, so no proove they hack.

but even with hax there max-skill is med+ teamplay sucks, me and my m8 toxic leaved cause of these nonskillers.

i think it is a dirty thing in the nice history of sFx-Gaming,

(again soz for bad english)

xx hampo
lol @ sFx if its real...

then u n1 found it m8
Are you already in the Netherlands?
Don't forget to punch and kick Adacore if he doesn't take know what I mean. :D
read our forums XD
i told you they cheat.
soz m8 me+toxic see it to late:(

sad week for me :(

gnajda is max med imo
soz i was a noob to belive i can create a good team with sucky ppl, i dont say i am very ultra good or something, but these guys are pethetic (dunno how write) but even with wh / humanized bots, they suck...
<--- toxic...

yeah hampo thats right... the only one who was good is gnajda and he has humanized aim imo... often people said to me on public u can find a better clan than sFx. So i left... but gl in OC sFx ...

u must be high+ then or what?
pwned xddd
you are forgiven my son...
UNEXPECTED :D @ 2 weeks players msoje , kosta :O Who tf are they :D Only gnajda was a skilled player
cab you upload this pb_ss or smth?
i agree that msoje is haxor i have somewhere demo where we can see 1 perfect action by him :D
huh? i dont believe you!
give link to this screens :D give some proofs
Pics/Avis or it never happened.
boooring hampo you were just too low for us, btw give some proofs, ahahaha what a retarded guy
i have strange pbbs of dignitas and impact players
but i wont public it rotflXD!!!11 <3
dont say shit about someone you little retarded kid if you dont have proofs
looks like hampo is a girl (according to her/his profile), and n1 having strange pbss of dignitas/impact eventhough they have been on lans already...pff
only joke i just did the same like hampo
you compare yourself with dignitas?

hahahaha lol
sure you have !
msoje cheats, i've got a demo somewhere if u wanna
What are you waiting for ?
make avi & upload it !
you want there black screenshots??

so stop whining omg, it is just a sorry cause of the last retard post, where i tried to recruit some skilled players to a low skill clan,, kapis??

no piss offf!
ok... i did not really get the point
czemu mnie to kurwa nie dziwi? xd
np i never liked sfx
So hampo why did u want ftp so much and removeing pb shots? dont say u did not coz i can allways get the log from ftp server if you wish

You know hampo its peps like you who are killing ET and clans ur lame as hell

sFx Dont use hack for the teams that join us who use hack will removed from that team all the whole team will no longer be sFx.

Your only pissed coz you got found out and u got kicked from the team

So go grow up and stop crying like a little kid
You are a hero, hope you know it
hampo you death gay
you joined it when it wasnt sFx
you didnt knew it was becoming sFx so dont whine with a reason
i joined it because of sFx
you only joined it because you will get a bouncer(serv) then and you could play with Nirv/nord
youre pretty gay and squoly a big fat nigger
I will put put a little in as i dont want to flood this forums

Fri Apr 06 12:35:26 2007 28 226 Transfer complete
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Fri Apr 06 12:35:33 2007 28 250 File successfully deleted

Why remove them files
lol cause of the pb foldur was full and couldnt take more screenshots lol'd
msoje cheating, unexpected!
I don't think msoje cheats, I've played with him a couple times and vs him a couple times and when I speced him he showed good aim but not cheaters aim... even with humanized ...
Pls give me some real proof and I will be happy to change my opinion but in the meanwhile pls go burn some witches instead.

I've also played with him, and i also didn't expect him of cheating, but ot_logo 1 is abit weird, wouldn't u agree?
Chimaera was banned by pb, np
unexpected hahah.
sorry maar ik heb echt geen idee waar je het nou over heb en waar je je zo druk om maakt :P
ik ook niet maja:D tog leuk:P
hampo give some pbshots.. or its talking about nothing
kill yourself?
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