Low fps - Lag problems

Heya peeps.

The last 3 months, I've been lagging around with a low fps (10-20)

I play on a laptop, but I've been doing that almost my whole ET career without those problems.

I hope someone can help me,

try format
Try reinstalling ET, if that doesn't help run a virus/spyware scan. And if both are not helping you are forced to format :p
ask twix he got the same problem and he fixed it ^^ (also noobbook user)
10 fps is good ffs :D
omfg graphic card bug ffs
Cheers, I think I'll format.

"Omfg graphic card bug ffs" - Eeehm, read above. I have only had this problem for 3 months.

Thanks for your help.
remember to save your worthy files ;)
Xfire shit program makes fps lag
But not down to 10FPS...
it can. Turn off the in game crap.
I tried turning everything off, but don't seem to work. But cheers guys :-) <3
Do u have enough HD space left? coz ET starts lagging when u are running low on diskspace :/
I have around 40 gb used space, and 20 free.
Did you have the latest updates of your drivers? Also, try closing all programs as mIRC and Xfire etc. I expirence a lag on my laptop as well when running these programs and some other side programs....
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