Quakecon and eurocup demos

/poor english/

someone can link me the url for downlaod:

emaho vs kno i horn (eurocup X) demos and quakecon 2k2 demos?

i found quakecon 2k3 demos on planetwolfenstein.de and few demos on cyberfight.org

chached.net have all demos but don't work :(

so, help!!! Pls :)
did you change it from dm34 to dm33? or something like that?
He's referring the the fact that ftp.cached.net seems to be down.

I'll upload some of these demos tomorrow when I get to work (its 3am here)

i hven't it!!!!

the demos of quakecon 2k2 and eurocup X are .dm60 (with osp 0.83 and rtcw 1.41 )

i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2k2 demos are actually .dm_59, they can be watched using an updated rtcw but you'll get freaky sounds

in v dr on mp_ice is always fun to watch, it reminds you that nothing ever changes. the wtv spam is crazy and everyone idolizes dr.wom
Quoteemaho vs kno i horn (eurocup X) demos

kih_vs_eh.rar (wtv pov)
eurocup_final_-_fette.zip (fette's pov - I recommend this one, fantastic to watch ... thanks to fette for sending it to me)
EuroCupXFinal-KiH-vs-eH!.zip (democast - if you just want the shoutcast you can extract it from the pk3)

Quoteand quakecon 2k2 demos?

these are all the qcon 2002 demos I have, at least the final's there

at some point I'll get round to uploading my qcon2003 demos, theres 1.5gb though

<<2011 edit: uploaded to a different host and fixed links>>
contact twister movie maker who create rtcw history quakecon 2002 :p
maybe he can make rtcw history quakecon 2003 :o

also (Merlinator, crumbs rtcw moviemakers)

;) thx for re-uploading demos
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