Holocaust Memorial Day
Today 16.5.2007 after almost 70 years we keep in our mind the day that the Holocaust was real and there was real people who got killed by the Nazis.
maybe there is people that dont believe to this bull shit called Holocaust by my grandfather and grandmother were at the ghetto in Ukraine and and they ran away . 26 people of my family died at the Holocaust the Nazis told them to stand in a row and they shooted them to a "hole".
so this is my story and we all have to remember it ever if some of you not Jewish we have to remember it because another freak can do it to another religion or country and we will be there to stop him to kill another 6 Milion people
just to show you how big this number: nowdays 7 milion people living in israel but almost half of them are arabs there are something like 6 milion jewish people living in israel right now ,after 50+ years of the "Israeli Country" we reached the 6 milion jews and the Nazis killed 6 milion jews now in 50+ years im talking about 3-5 years!
and now a clip that made by someone to remember this horrible years:
and plz kiddies dont flame this thread if u dont have something real and not stuipid to say just dont say it.
and dont start with: LOLOLOL jews or die jew plz.
maybe there is people that dont believe to this bull shit called Holocaust by my grandfather and grandmother were at the ghetto in Ukraine and and they ran away . 26 people of my family died at the Holocaust the Nazis told them to stand in a row and they shooted them to a "hole".
so this is my story and we all have to remember it ever if some of you not Jewish we have to remember it because another freak can do it to another religion or country and we will be there to stop him to kill another 6 Milion people
just to show you how big this number: nowdays 7 milion people living in israel but almost half of them are arabs there are something like 6 milion jewish people living in israel right now ,after 50+ years of the "Israeli Country" we reached the 6 milion jews and the Nazis killed 6 milion jews now in 50+ years im talking about 3-5 years!
and now a clip that made by someone to remember this horrible years:
and plz kiddies dont flame this thread if u dont have something real and not stuipid to say just dont say it.
and dont start with: LOLOLOL jews or die jew plz.
or in hebrew
Sarit Hadad - Kshe a lev bohe
people like that realy need to be dead.
They must be combated anyway.
plz pay more attention in your history lessons... if it's ok 4 u that million of ppl got killed cause of having an other opinion! or beeing twins etc. than a crossfire admin should ban u from this page --__--
It's really insane how so many soldiers can obey the orders they are given, they even laugh while killing innocent people.
Another thing that made them a bit emotionaly imune was some sort of role-system...they all did a tiny part of the big thing so one was in charge for transporting the bodies, one was in charge to put them in the ovens, ... so no1 felt like he had done the whole thing but how can a person kill another one time after time after time, simply for being different, the made them suffer so bad...
Btw - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eternal_Jew_(film) - pretty nice movie about jewish nature..
its the posters and how the nazi was sew the jews fucking asshole and maybe try to search "Holocaust" in wikipedia and not nazi's thinks you was know that there was a holocaust.
its dreadful from nazi to be contradict Holocaust, and need to be realy fool to think like that.
It's so fucking annoying when jews try to be the center of the universe because of few million murders...
Btw, have you heard anything from gipsies or blacks or indians or whatever nation to complain and to show-off with their WW2 problems?
m8 pls if you dont have somthing smart to say just dont say nothing.
Now i have to start to believe that jews indeed are like rats who spread their holobullshit everywhere where they can get in.. :(
and its care to jews over the world, and we not realy think its will care to nazi's like you.
I have nothing against jews, poles, gipisies(?) or EVEN russians but I do say this: "we know what happened and we feel sorry for it but ffs stop showing us dead jews, its disgusting!"
bacilis :
i rly dont think that any jew did something to you u hate us only cuz ur mother or something like that told u to hate us and brainwashed you with lies about us that we are rats n stuff u cant judge us by nothing u have to live with us and than u can say whatever u want u are right there are not only jews killed in this holocuast and war there russian americans british gays balck people but the most people who got killed were jews and its a very very important day to us
Go wank on your "shalom"
money? i get money for this? :|||||||
give us favor, dont comment here you realy realy idiot.
The way u refer to the war / holocaust as "" a few million murders" really makes me wonder... In Holland it is a crime to say the holocaust wasn't real, but ofc. thats just frm keeping the jews to get into a power position!
Incredible posts were made here, I hope that admins take apropriate action to those in question.
Too bad ''we'' failed.
porably not.
Otherwise u would know, that fighting Nazis isen't offense its defense.
most "modern" nazis are very stupid, but the ppl behind them aren't.
There are still 5 - 10 ppl killed or badly hurt by nazis every year....
We cant understand the future without knowing the past, thats true. But still, we must move foward.
The jews are here more important than anything else! ;/
no? then why should we take your opinion seriously? ooooh right, because what you ahve seen on tv...
you don't have a base to this "information".
6 million jews were killed with no point, and in those time there only 8 million jews in the hole world so.......
in hungary there are a lot of jews...mainly in high political positions...and in usa more and more...check hollywood plz or anything else where money keep goin.
if there is only just 8 million jews in the world than i am Jackson TeH Michael
I think they should be honored!
LOLOLOL jews btw :)
Come to Latvia, see our goverment - full of their kind - selling out Latvia piece by piece just to get closer to new-age-jew-meca - Russia and to grab as much money as they can. (That would answer the question why do I don't like jews).
And I get pissed off when there comes some loser and starts this whining that OMFGAAD ARYANS PWNT US @ WW2 - LEZ REMIND THIS SHIT WHOLE ZE TIEM OLOL. Fuck it. You don't see anyone else posting "Let's feel sorry for Prusians as they got pwnt by germanic invaders" etc, do you?
If this would be politically oriented gaming site, i wouldn't be here at all..
i hear about jews only from retarded nazi retards screaming how evil jew masterminds screw their lives, have you ever met one? i think we are living in different countrys if jews is your biggest problem....tho nazi ppl are "fun" everywhere...WHITE POWER DIE JEWS HEIL HITLER What the fuck is wrong with people?
where did you get so brainwashed :/
i dont really care about them, but denying existance of holocaust because there were others who also suffered is PLZ DIE STUPID
this day makes me realize how good that is when i have my own country and the army protects me from insane people who want to kill me just because i am who i am.
Jews - 6,000,000 Deaths
Russians > Jews
akkor leforditom a sajat mondatodat, mert ugy nez ki te sem emlekszel arra amit irtal: " hol van a nemzetkozi megemlekezesi napja azokert a magyarokert akik meghaltak a kommunista terror alatt? " ez kb minden tortenlem konyveben megkozeliti a kemeny 50 embert, es egyalataln h van merszed ezt osszehasonlitani azzal , hogy embereket kutban egettek el stb... gondolod mar at egy kicsit a kettot es vegyel par lecket mert a ketoo nem abban a sulycsoportban van...faszfej
nyajjá maceszt
Do you hear the Russians complain every fuckin year we have to remember about the more than 20 million deaths in Russia during Communistic reign? Do you hear the Cambodians (or whatever country it was there) whine every year you have to remember people like Pol Pot or no good? Do you hear the fuckin muslims whine about how they got slaughtered by Ghengis Khan in the Middle-Ages? That was a Holocaust as well, when Ghengish decided to whipe out as much of the muslims as he could, only for an insult from 1 "king".
Yes, it is terrible what happened and I'm not going to deny it. But please for Gods sake. Stop whining to get so much attention. It's not like anyone is going to forget World War II if you don't remind them every year of it. Stop manipulating the media and the public with those incorrect numbers, stop the cry for attention.
Where do you get this information from? probably from faked documents like the lachout-document or from calculations of some holocaust-denier who is using numbers which are completely pulled out of context to proof a wrong number. Or some invented proof of the United Nations or the Red Cross who said they have nothing to do with these numbers? Even the nazis admitted this murderer. Have a look at a quote of Wilhelm Höttl on the Nuremberg Trials. He also spoke about 4 million jews who got killed in concentration camps and 2 more millions who got killed in mass-shootings behind the front. I recommend you to have a look at the book "Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory" by Deborah Lipstadt. Recent statistics speak about 5,29 - slightly over 6 million jewish victims (src: Wolfgang Benz - Dimension des Holocaust), of course there will never be a exact number due to the nazis covering it up and due to inaccurate sources, especially in sowjet union.
I'm writing a paper about holocaust denial and the methods they use, believe me i know what i'm talking about.
That comment was based upon facts I read about and believed at that time. I don't understand wy you keep calling me a retard though. I've repeated like three times that it really is bad what happened, but that the jews and such should stop whining and manipulating the media about it. What's so bad about that?
nice facts you got there, really. if you are ever seriuosly enganged in this topic you will realise that this is only false propaganda, nothing else.
do you mind mentioning where you got your "information" from?
All jews get big hug from care-bare. <3
Moslems=Jewes? O_O
We should be grateful to jewz for jewdo, jew-jitsu, ninjewtsu and other martial arts :|
Juicy jew signin' out
holokausti värk on..
Ken je het begrip cultuur trouwens? Je zou er wel bij varen om eens andere culturen te bezoeken ipv dingen aan te nemen die de grote massa gelooft zonder er zelf een fuck van te weten. Of zijt ge zo'n stamperke die ni blij is als de lokale discotheek geen jump draait :(
En op de vraag of ik cultuur ken, goh kijk ik heb het geluk dat ik al veel van de wereld heb mogen zien samen met mijn familie dus ben ik er vrij van overtuigd dat ik een goed idee heb wat cultuur is.
Wat dat 3e wereldgedoe betreft wou ik enkel die claim op zijn zenuwen werken.
Tot slot even vermelden dat ik geen "jumperke" ben, in tegendeel, ik ben meer voor de stijlvolle etablissementen.
ma võin ka Eesti keeles Rootsi kohta sitta rääkida, aga vaat' ma ei räägi?
If you don't know what the term "3rd world" means, then don't bother using it, mkay?
And btw, If someone doesn't like Israeli women then it's their business.
Afaik Claim likes Fat Ladies so...
The Jews are doing the same thing to the Muslims, and that it happening today.
You don't see me making forum posts about how the Cetniks killed the Muslims in the Balkan, and that you guys should remember it.
Nazis killed jews and other cultures just because they were different
the muslims are also returning war . and you dont live in israel so you cant know about the details of the war . you need to belive less thing from what TV shows
war over TERRAIN
cause the germans have been the evil and the russian helped to "rescue the world"... also nobody talks today about england, france and spain and what they did in their collonies... they also killed a lot of ppl... these crimes are all as cruel as the nazi's and doesn't makes them better in any way...
Ich sagte oben, dass deine Aussage absolut inkompetent ist und nicht gerade von viel Intelligenz zeugt, da (hypothetisch gesprochen) wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte, hätte er das gesamte Jüdische Volk ausgelöscht, und ganz Europa unterjocht. Dieses Verbrechen wäre nicht mit den Tötungen unter Stalin zu vergleichen gewesen.
btw: Ich hab ne 1 (deutsches Notensystem) in Geschichte ;-)
deine hypothese ist absoluter mist, da sie niemals realität geworden wäre... außerdem hätte stalin das selbe gemacht, wenn er die möglichkeit dazu gehabt hätte...
weiter isses für mich scheiß egal ob ein diktator 6 millionen oder 10 millionen menschen killen lässt... nur so als anmerkung ... bei sowas gibt es kein "das wäre schlimmer..."
Immer weiter vor dich hin sagen dann wirds wahr!
Ich flame nur leute an, die meiner Meinung nach einfach scheisse labern, so wie du mit deinem Beitrag der das schlimmste Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte auf eine Stufe mit anderen Genoziden stellt.
btw werden juden schon seit 2000 jahren verfolgt und getötet für die abstrusesten gründe wie eine hungersnot oder arbeitslosigkeit... damit hat hitler nicht angefangen kleiner schlaubischlumpf
Ausserdem habe ich in keiner Weise die anderen Genozide (Judenverfolgung im MA, Gulags in Russland in den 30er 40er und 50er Jahren, Balkan-Krieg in den 90ern, Ruanda 94 usw usw.) verharmlost.
Ich kann nur noch mal wiederholen, dass der Holocaust das schlimmste Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte (Es gab nie vorher oder danach einen so perfide geplanten und durchindustrialisierten Massenmord) war, und desshalb mit den anderen, oben genannten, schrecklichen Verbrechen nicht auf eine Stufe gestellt werden kann, da dies den Holocaust an sich verharmlosen würde.
Hast du das jetzt kapiert?
Und wie ich dir rüberkomme ist mir absolut egal.
Sie sind aber IMO nicht genauso schlimm....
btw: jesus was a jew... why else INRI (jesus christ king of the jews)?
the jews are treated as the jesus killers cause they wanted barabas alive and not him... since then... they have been made responsible for famines etc if u look all the way through the history...
but pls... cmon... if we germans have to suffer the next 2000 years from the crimes of the nazis... lol?
i'm also german and no nazi (btw: i hate them) as most of the jews are no "jesuskillers"...
and to hkrep... KIDDY: we r not responsible for the past... but we need to keep it in mind as a warning for the following generations that it will never happen again... ever thought in that direction? --__--
and they killed him not that they wanted to stay alive this barabas, but for another reasons
and the people who were responsible for the decision of killing him or barbas were the leaders of the jews, and there was no voting for who wants to kill who...so its hard to say all of the jews are responsible for that...
anyway, kruciooo, i understand that for you this is only a history class, but we take it more seriously because msot of us have spoken to the people who lived throgh all this.
"Jesus war bekennender Jude. Jesus hatte jüdische Eltern und hat sich nicht als neuer Religionsstifter verstanden sondern als Reformer des Judentums. (...)" src http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/Artikel,,,,,,,EACD1EFF2FA227CEE0340003BA5E0905,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.html
Please read some books about history, holocoust was all over europe and the horrible thing is that the Nazis killed jews, gays, retardes and so on, just because their retardness or their religion.
Guys OPEN YOUR EYES, if some time one of you will be in Poland, please check the Auchwisz Museum, I wish you will get sick and die, and just then you will understand what happend their.
Besides, there weren't even 100 millions of Christians =]]
if i say 50-100 millions, r u happy now?
edit: THERE WERE NEVER MASSIVE GENOCIDES ON CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE AGES (at least not with victims in the millions).
np: NOFX - The Idiots are takin over
fits kinda good imo ^^
ganz ehrlich.
Where did these ppl work? huh?
They worked in the ammunation factorys, or built the streets on which the tanks drove to battle, the whole NS-System aimed on war and genocide from the first day on.
@ topic: What is the work worth, when u are helping to create the worst crime in the history of mankind?
But actually there where many democratic ppl in germany, that weren't ok wth Hitler but still havent sayd anything. So dont tell me that the ppl in germany could not have done anything about it.