BNC Sponsorship avi

One.Soldier is pleased to announce we have a number of bncs to sponsor.

The BNCS are provided by Bouncer4you

We will only sponsor established clans. If you wish for us to sponsor a bnc, please post here with your clan name, clan website and number of BNC's required.

Terms of sponsorship:
Banner on teams website.
Players must be in #onesoldier on quakenet.
Players must be registered on this site.
EDIT| terms have been slightly changed, check website for more info.

These bncs may not be suitable for everyone but for Clans looking for some free bncs be sure to check out our website forums here.

nice one sponsering
niiiiice :)
Your asking alot for just a bnc
"These bncs may not be suitable for everyone"

Not saying we arent but again they arent free.
mja he ken beter bij mij fixen :P
i think all terms are good and correct but this isnt:

Sponsored by #onesoldier added onto your clans clanbase profile
Indeed. Mostly they will put thier headsponsor, like a serversponsor or something there =)
100% agree
otherwise it would be kind of interesting. just thought about "sponsored by Logitech and #onesoldier" (e.g.) - sounds too weird :/
bnc's are way too much overrated
bncs are overrated!
nice ; o
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