aangezien een laser straal licht is heb je misschien wel last van de brekingsindex van normaal glas, Icemat gebruikt namelijk een bepaalde soort veiligheidsglas met een lage brekingsindex. Andere glassoorten kunnen een erg hoge brekingsindex hebben en zijn dus minder geschikt. imo
Yep, I got angry, smacked my table and my urtimat became a puzzle. However it isn't as bad as it seems, as soon as you are pissed at one game, the pad generates a new game right away.
lol not really, I have friends, and a girlfriend, What do you have, A crayon and a peice of paper, Go draw yourself a life, It's the only way you'd get one!
Actually no i have been out, just got back from the pub, you've been sitting in your no life chair playing your no life pc, now stop replying and GET OUT AND SOCIALISE!
or actually i dont care cuz i dropped out of college :d
13" Monitor skill ? :D
Btw , how much times are you gonna leave ET and crossfire today ? 3 ?
Stupid! ^^ Now please stop replying to me, I really dislike you :D
p.s Look at your English
Rofl How much times, It's how many times you stupid boy :D
P.s Learn English and don't tell English people how to TYPE English, Because you make yourself look like a fool, GOOD DAY =)
If you can't recognize a joke , then go kill yourself , sucks to be you .
Don't invent yourself an e-life , L-O-S-E-R .
oh by the way. Get off the fucking pc, YOU NERD
Gay . I got a prove , now :-]