Seeking for a team


I have been very bored few last weeks,
so I decided to seek a team ( high one )

I'm/I - Estonian, almost 18
- highskilled medic
- avi almost everyday 17.00 cet till ..., excepts fridays
- can speak english fluently

U can contact me at or /name fjellan
Good Luck mate
stats player
does fear hav autoaim on xbox ?
i heard #bspurtz are looking
All aim, no brain.

Tells 13 yeras kiddie, who even dont know me, go grow up plz..

soz Alex, it went to wrong replay:P
anyways u know i love u
you hop to much
btw who are u ?
gl fjellah
Gl m8 pm me #vagrants
gl my fjellatio <3
Mate, please dont start with that shit,
This shit is solved long time ago..
And it proved that i wasnt cheating, my bad that i gave my etkey to my pell..
och sozz it was only a Q no offense :)
i heard mr clan were still recuriting

stats only
gL high ??
gl fjellah
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