Recruit me.

Hi xfire,

I'm looking for a team with a sense of humour that is fun to play with. Here's a little about me:

- Name: James 'Corona' Furnival
- Age: 18 (27/10/1987).
- From: England England (that's in the UK btw).
- Playing since: The start.
- Clan History: Silvergods, evoken, Riot.
- Skill: Med.
- Class: Any. Comfortable playing Med, FOps + Engi (including Rifle).

Will consider 3v3 and 6v6 clans.

I'm happy speaking English / French on Vent + TS.

I'm not as active as I used to be so I just want to have some fun and play with some decent guys.

If you're interested /Qry Sup3rman in #evoken

Thanks for reading.
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