Searching for low+ clan

Like the topic says, I'm 17 years old Croatian kid looking for a low+ skilled clan.
Thanks for you're time :) (flame on my "great" English)
i'm 17 years old should be I'm a 17 years old
Thanks for you're time should be Thanks for your time

rest is oke. Don't mind the flame, it's normal on crossfire.

Good luck finding a clan dude.
Well ..

1. he flames EVERYONE on crossfire for not having a life, while he doesn't has one himself.

2. He is always contradicting himself (check my profile for an example)

3. he thinks he is the man, while he is a .. (random flame)
have you allready discovered that you actually hate him so much, so you make a fool out of yourself and write that on your profile ^^

np4me :p i just noticed :p
Take that sexy bitch!!!!
Thanks for you're time ??
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