liek wtf?

Well i found some weird screenshots on our server...

image: pb000329z17g

image: pb000353z17h

image: pb000354z17j
Probably some bugged PB SS. Are all the PB SS from those players like this?
there are 3 more srceenshots and they are all same as these
i had that for a very long time. but i dont use hacks or so.
could be bug
hey wazzup United States of America Brandon? :)
50:50 chance, bug or hax ;D
Second is a bug caused by some nvidia drivers afaik

First and third = ss blocker?
i minimized my game and received black pbss from server, so...
all may be bugs but can be ssblocker too
the black screen marked as b2 => is normal, minimized ET for example

The other is maybe a blocker.
well i have more 3 sreenshots from them and they are all black.. i dont think they had minimized ET for all 3 times
ones you minimize and keep playing you keep getting black ones
ahh ok. didnt know that =)
i dont think thats true because i minimize before every game, and mainly during every game and i dont get black pb ss. i dunno maybe its laptop hax or something that gives me pb ss that arent black !
well it gave me black ones, these things can have unique reasons
pb screenshot blocker
in basis of what you state this?
when i play with windows vista all my PBBS are black..
do i play with winxp all pbss are ok... so the pbss thingy is very weird
2nd one could be coz of nvidia bugs, the black ones appears when u have ET minimized, but i'm not 100% sure
yeah, like wtf 'n stuff! =)
Black SS are normal but if they are always black on the same player is PB_SS Blocker fo sho
ban, cheat for sure, it is black cheats!OMG CAN`T YOU SEE?!:o
for real´s normal that black PBSS some bug i think.
direct from EvenBalance:
Black screenshots will happen if the videocard drivers are old, when the game is not the active application, or on some Operating System/videocard/driver combinations. Also, screenshot detour hacks could cause these black screenshots.

In summary, black screenshots might not be caused by cheats or hacks but checking all the videocard drivers and/or possibly directx drivers is advisable

What this means from an anti cheat site point of view, is that all the above must be taken into consideration before a ban is applied and would have to be supported with alternative evidence such as a demo before anyone returning all black screens would be added to a banlist.
pb screenshot blocker
ppl with linux have black pbss o0o0o0o0o0o0 (at least all linux players whose pbss i've seen have black pbss)
ETH give black screenshot btw. :P

ETH is linux only
pb bug, happens all the time, nothing to worry about
roflt. Cumuun people its like I have black pbss and I have shit in my folder, but I really dont hax can you belive me please ^^-

WE ARE NOT YOUR PARENTS. Everything you say is BS. FIX YOUR BUG and continue playing ;)=
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