lol we played a mix vs those guys some moments ago

and we all knew it :)

mama ^^
lol that was vs me v3rtigo and ext some minutes before i knew it that they hax
this guys are playing oc 6on6 ban him quickly
its our pro idrijan server that busts everybody, even assassine
ban him from life
ips of what? : o
i dont know, since i havent played that match, ask cruel he is the server admin
btw what are you still doing on our serv? :D
Not a very ET like font on that G there :(
image: pb004695

Old :<

never posted it before cause he had like 2 nicknames

He would already have red triangles on yawn but pbbans denied it as being a cheat cause they didn't know wether the red cross should be in the game or not
"kao" ;]
I need that cfg, the crosshair looks awesome!
we lost agains this player in Opencup 6o6 :(
we win now !
Shizi can't play with you:x
look in our clan log link

btw he was kicked from clan.I hate cheaters and sorry for him
shizi was our new player and i didnt know who is he...
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