clan dream@pbss_blockers

Something like week ago i played with friend in 3o3cb cup against some francais pll.
It came out they have same nice black screenshots:

Cb admins were already informed.
hmmm exactly the same picture / other player
noob cfg - no hax
just a bug .
EDIT: I don't play 3o3 in cups so...lies !
EDIT2: I was spec ! Maybe specing myka !
Pb_ss are 615,and 616, one player was specing the other which has a graphic bug. U should have take more screens to be sure about hax, noob "busttrying".
it doesnt mean bcz you are speccing another player , you have the same xhair, same hud. When you are spec you have see when they all died the last player his body.

When they are shooting you should see the same but not a black screen -;-
LO, same hud ? just same popups..Xaire, same as 60% of etplayers at least.
Mean nothing -.-
And btw, lol @ topic creator's buddy list, he'd better bust his friendlist ;)
kinda weerd they would have exactly the same config
lel @ bug
Hey zwitter still smoking muD aka kazachian weed? :PP
still same weed - your shit almost killed me. maybye i should switch to drinking insted ?
drinking > weed (: only bad thing is ze daY after
Drink half a liter of water before you go to sleep, helps fight the hangovers. Or just drink any non-Belgian beer and don't get drunk at all, just wake up to piss alot.
zwitter single irl ? <3
sweden isn't so far ! :]
so fucking knew it :S
played vs them today and that gEx guy was wired allways shot me when i camp...
pbss nice.. btw look id not same player/pbss
pro bust
hes not from israel and if u have prob with jews better keep it to ur self especially 'when people think u hax and hate u even more :S
does look dodgy im doing some sherlocking!
this bug called "pbshot blocker" is really getting popular these days
I think too ... nothing in these pbss is suspect ... except the nickname maybe :D
And if we have hacks , u rly think we'll put the same screens ?? We're in the same team , we're not stupid !
atm you are the olny one here @ whine so pls and dont tell me to get a life becuse you are spamming xfire all time. grow up kid
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Yes I whine, I creat a topic because I got pwned @ CB.
Oh poor child, will ask ur mummy to give u some milk before going to sleep.

U'd better train 3o3 instead of whining @ xfire...
its not a whine - those are exact same screenshots from 2 different players. If they hacked they should get banned like anyone else.
There is no point in what are you writing and atm you are only person flaming. Please end it here and don't make bigger fool of yourself than you already did
MMm, i can tell u that even if it was hack (but its not) it's not an enought proof for a ban, sry :<
specinvite ?
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