HoD guys busted

Yes my first bust.

Merced for those guys and finally after the famous weekendmix disconnected wit "fu hacker" we played another 3on3.
i didnt spec him so far but i thought he would just be good.. seemed to be a nice guy on ts.

image: bustedoe8
the two guys with the HoD tag.

They say they play et for years and got skill but after PsYcho started to give 3 hs in normal speed with the zoomed sniper, i started to ask in deeper and was answered with a ban from ts... sad panda.
clear wallhack visible during the game and i found some pbscreens also to proof it...
when we played oasis, they had the spawntime at the first rush and enemy didnt sk so far..
Yes they say they play years but both have 2 yawn entries with that guid.
When i enter their guid @ yawn the name is drawn but etguid is empty...
dunno what that means.

here is some random stuff to proof it.

(screenies inside)

I hope that is enough for an official bust.
Dunno, tell me if not

lol, just played them with Tassin and Xone xD
and you can confirm that?
clear wh, but not aimbot.
Played them with the "pr0" weekendmix, blatant hax :(
played with them against the weekendmix, too.
and yes, psycho was cheating. spect him when i was dead...
yea this psycho#hod was mercing for us and he was cheating.
just check the demos with wolfcam :)
some Germans...
They were both blatantly aimbotting, and still they were absolutely shit (overall), an impressive feat, to say the least.
they got everything... multihack imo...
They had a clearly visible wallhack, spawntimer, aimbot...
(sKibaDiii) who was the guy that should have hax?
(sKibaDiii) psycho? :D
(k1ck-zerender) ya
(sKibaDiii) i loled at him
(sKibaDiii) imo he doesnt hack... but i told him who you are and he didnt know even one of you
(sKibaDiii) he said you are all nonames for him...
(k1ck-zerender) he hax lol
(sKibaDiii) nope
(k1ck-zerender) ...
(sKibaDiii) and he seems to be a nice guy
(sKibaDiii) i watched him
(sKibaDiii) he just lucked a bit and aimed pritty good
(sKibaDiii) but i didnt expect you guys to whine about some ownage :D
(sKibaDiii) HF cu
(sKibaDiii) =)
that was after you disconnected...
tbh i didnt spec him cuz i didnt care at that time :>
i am really pissed of by all that cheatertalking....
i just opened my eyes in the 3on3...
i wouldnt have played a 3on3 with them if i had known on that time that he really is...

and additionally: he didnt aim headshot only... everytime i was dead and speced him i thought nothing suspicious...
dont blame me plz :D
"Sometimes it feels like someone(you, your 1st m8, your 2nd m8) is watching me from the shadows..."
played 3o3 against him once...in wolfcam u could see nice 180 turns and aiming through walls
Whats the problem with 180 turn?
taking 0.000000001 secs for it
hmm want a demo, .avi , the script for that?
stfu, im not talking bout 180 script im talking about turing around giving 3 hs through a tree and shooting walls.
ye, i will stfu, calm down, im not your friend

"taking 0.000000001 secs for it"

that one got direct contact with 3 hs
Lal i played against psycho 1 time. He was hacking to in that game.
it was a funny game :D
Yeah, till the hacker gets owned by a hacker :P
from where you got these screenshots because im the piffpaff guy :O


lol you were those guy who said the dont hack xDD lol he had n1 aimbot for sure but he is already busted look up his yawn he got like 1000 different etpro/pb guids
during the game with you i was already busy with researching who they are and busting them...
piffpaff: junge du hast sowas von an

but it was not the kind of aimbot i saw when i watched Echtor2003s demos...
it rly looked like they were just aiming awsome....

but when i noticed the wallhack there was no doubt anymore :D
i noticed he aimbotted when he gave me 3 luger headshots i mean normally we play med+ without any problems but this was just like a dunken/stoned good night 3on3 but he aimed so fucking good for low+ that was to obvious he hacked. Look his name ingame nobody with such a nick ever made 3 luger hs in a row
what i have heard in ts was you the only one looking for 3on3...
dunno tuz0 searched opponents :p
Doesn't show hacks.
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