The thing you belive to be his shoulders are just some highly developed dorsal trapezoids.
That could be a fake tho, but this kind of muscle development is still possible, even if it's kinda unbelievable that some people think it's "great looking".
Whether this pic is a fake or not, you can see that in reality, so you can be amazed ! :)
inform urself about bodybuilding and compare these guy for example with ronnie coleman.. the muscles would tear if they get this volume of these guy... and his arms... rühl has the biggest arms in the world i think but compared to this guy...
bin jetzt kein experte oder so... aber wiener sind die langen dünnen, frankfurter die kurzen roten und bockwürst sind wie wiener, nur dicker und kürzer.. IMOOO ^^
That could be a fake tho, but this kind of muscle development is still possible, even if it's kinda unbelievable that some people think it's "great looking".
Whether this pic is a fake or not, you can see that in reality, so you can be amazed ! :)
If you don't speak about the pic but about the ability to have that kind of muscle development, I'm open to every argument you could have.
the people that look like this have normally a small wiener 100% fake ! penis proofed
i am wiener, whats your point?
nur in wien heißen die dinger frankfurter
ich kenn wiener, frankfurter und bockwürst
sind das net auch wiener?
bin jetzt kein experte oder so... aber wiener sind die langen dünnen, frankfurter die kurzen roten und bockwürst sind wie wiener, nur dicker und kürzer.. IMOOO ^^
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