
esikatselu ja zoomaa niin näät, on seinän takana
you made a mistake it was not smutzig but xAv :=)
Is the engi behind the wall or not?

haha im the engi :o :o
pretty much in front, IMO
lol owned
yes he's behind it and everyone that says not is a complete retard
its a dwarf staying on the stair
yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, refer to personality!
Would I be wrong to say that 16 years old immature nerds missing from lans in lack of attention towards the society are more likely to cheat?

Edit :

image: smutz
I can see my name there as very big one :;O
gotta be edited or behind the wall, otherwise they are playing te_toysoldier
Then it's either te_toysoldier, a mod, or a spoofer.
wtf is te_toysoldier? :O
bestest rtcw map.
noob hax tbh
smutzig isn't a player who would use hax imo..
auch bb
krp in the background? ::D:D::D:D:D:DDD
stfu and keep watching the pic where you can see my name as VERY big
i think a player like smutzig doesn't hax, and if he would hax, he would be smart enough to use a decent one, with pbss cleaner nstuff
its his pbguid
pbguids can also be spoofed, especially easy with linux.
why should smutzig hax, get serious please
what about that pb ss?
Is the engi behind the wall or not?

Don't you see that the engineer feet are on the wood ?
Indeed but not feet, there's one foot on the wood.
but still however the guy is too small.
Like your brain?
actually my brain is pretty much smaller, but still it seems to be bigger than yours.

btw is that your real age in profile? if it is you really make me laugh irl!
Oh noes, he is going to insult u as a kid soon, be warned man !
Oh he got better insult already
Is that better now ??

I don't see your picture, are you too ugly to show your face ?
yes, but about age. i ment that you are so stupid that you cant be 21 :DD just like you showed again.

NOW you really made me lol =D
Isn't my fault if you don't understand humour and if you take all my sentences like attacks. So its time for you the get more maturity and next time use your glasses or you will become paranoiac in a near future.
i just dont get acting like that from 21-year-old

Quote Ruipperi on 01/05/07, 20:04:13 Del | Edit | Reply

but still however the guy is too small.

Jej3 on 01/05/07, 20:09:59 PM | Reply

Like your brain?

and i DO take this as attack
its too easy to do ! you say "the guy is too small."

I'm obliged to say "Like your dick or your brain" you will understand a day where the fun is.
the dick-joke would have been funny. loll :D:D:DDDDDDDDDD
but the brain-joke sucks. =l
owk, have a good night.
wow jeje made u look rly stupid :X lol
or maybe he didnt. have you ever thought that i really try to look retard.
I didn't notice any weird moves from this guy, but this looks pretty weird.
plz, engi is leaning there and it's so fukin obvious wh
At vent with "other team france players", are you implying that he plays for team france? :O)
not but with players from team france. cant remember many names now but there was: kyp,xAv, smutzig and mout atleast
I remember playing vs them, they played with StrAf aswell. ;{
Il est sur le bois y a rien d'autre a voir, sinon tu verrais pas ses pieds..
ETH (linux cheat) allows you to fake OS - you can make yourself output win32 in /cheaters. you can also fake guid on a pbss very easily. the best thing would be to check server logs, if the same PB guid is in there too (which can't be spoofed), then it's him 100%
Oh, that's just sounds too much work for this kind of things.
if it's the swedish smutzig I realy realy doubt that it was him cheating or that he ever tried cheating for that matter as the way I see it he plays to have fun and drink beer.
so why are you replying to me :D
xfire reply system rules. :-\
easy to find out if you have the demo though...
what if all players are too far and ofc smutzig or xav will not give/have their demos
looks like he is standing outside on the stairs, if you take the imaginary lines of inside walls, he seems to not be able to stand inside because of the line of stairs + line of floor

btw pbss sometimes has a bug of players appearing smaller than they are, dunno why
hes not behind that wall.
the pbss is clearly hax cuz otherwise it would be sw_toysoldiers_te imo.

the real question is "is this rly smutzig".
yeah, but read comment from danL. it's true that people appear smaller sometimes. i remember several journals about that and i don't think any cheat makes models smaller ;d
on that guid screen it says "Ego" and if thats the swedish player then he is a friend of smutzig, and it would be cool if someone was spoofing smutzigs guids when he is playing with a friend of the real :))))
crossfire or cb ip would clear all:P
behind i guess :)
image: smutz

He's not standing on the same level as the floor. Either he's infront or inside the wall.

bust xAv not smutz plz :(
I don't know if this is a wallhack and I don't fucking care either, I only want to say that those who say "It can't be Smutzig cuz this and that" are naïve as hell. Everyone can be(come) a cheater.
image: smutzig

Looks like he's in front :l
been there, seen that, agree ...
LOL, I thought it was oasis :-XXX
why are u testing out wallhax perfo?
clear hax tbh, dont care if its smutzig, ban imo
this is smutzig, it can't be hax...only unknown players hax!!!1
h3 was unknown player
he is not cheating.. the player is just a small one..
That doesn't make any sense, why would the Aryans allow midgets in their ranks???!!!811
smutz please do cheat PLS :D
I realised too late that the risk existed that smutz wants me ball-less
agree 100 % with you !
what map is that ?
Let's see:

- smutzig from what i hear, is an oldschool player
- he's playing against a kiddy clan called krp who are the type of people to fake something like this as half of them are busted already.
- the guys feet are in the ground ..............
- he is on axis, why would a rifle lean in his own spawn when smutzig is already in it
- it is piss easy to fake an etpro guid and a pb guid

not enough for a ban imo ..
It's seems like you didn't got the point. We are not finding a ban, just was curious about this, bans are like whatever to us.
And then to other points.

- oldschool player, so he can't hax ? that's just ridicolous.
- the guys feet are in the ground. and they couldn't be on the other side of the wall ?
- Then KRP, yes a kiddie clan. But why couldn't already busted players bust others ?
- ever heard about warmup, and why is he leaning ?
- yes it's easy, but why to bother ?

but yes, I agree that this is just some bug and he is standing in front of the wall, your points just didn't tell anything.
yes, now you have to do your homework.
Oh my God, I'm not mature, I go to school !
No you don't understand because of your age.
Hahah, man you are giving me best laughs at xfire for a long time :D
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