Veeeeery strange

U see on the video below that i shoot 13 bullets on a lying engi and he isnt gibbed lol
anyone could explain this ? maybe hax?
Yeh that was a war.... im very upset bout this -.- but i dunno about the exist of a non-gib-hack lol
bad avi
yeah only 2 secs work for me
same here, i see only 4-6 gibbing shots missing and hitting, but rest of avi is black screen
nice shooting 3 bullets
first you aim at the floor(aim a bit above the torso)
then you get some bulletspread i think, just my thoughts.
learn to crouch
there is also a bug which allows you to get 3hs + bodyhits without being dead
Too bored to download avi, panza gibs plz
the enemys standed 1 meter away from me and I gave him 4 colt headshots...
you dont need to tell us you cheat.
then you need to press faster
MG42 like? ^^
If you want to gib someone, u should seriously consider aiming on the body
Nah, first he's aiming at the floor..
Then he's aiming at the body, but he's spraying too much so he needs to CROUCH
If u watch it properly u see that the bullets are spraying very much that normally just happens if a ladder is near... but there was no ladder so wtf was it
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